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•6 months•

"How many fucking months till she stops crying" I groan as I get out of bed to get Peyton from her crib. "Shhhh mommy's here Pey" I rock her in my arms taking a seat in the chair by her crib. "Hey" Kevin says sleepily from the door. "Hey what are you doing?" "I can take her babe go to bed"

He walks over and I stand up not handing him Peyton. "It's fine I got her" we stand there watching her as she calms down. "Hey babygirl daddy loves you" Kevin kisses her head and I smile down at them. "D-da-da" Peyton stutters.

Kevin's face lights up before he gets excited and speaks "Oh my god Peyton that's me babe do it again" "Da" she states and I giggle at Kevin's reactions. He makes her say it over and over him getting more excited each time and Peyton getting louder and giggling herself a few times.

"Baby come on" I put Peyton on my hip now that she's fully awake and I take Kevin's hand going to our room. "Everything ok?" "Ya I just wanted to lay down" I lay across our bed and prop Peyton against the pillow. Kevin sits criss cross across from Peyton and smiles playing with her. "Goodnight princess I love you" I hear Kevin say before I fall asleep.

so new cover yay or nay?


its yay

yay asf hot asf kevin asf not getting changed suck it up

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