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"Kevin yes or no? I don't need help she'll be asleep by that time anyways" His head is in my lap as we lay on the sofa and I play with his hair to calm him down. "Yes babe, I'm taking a break I need to help you" "You say that yet tears haven't left your eyes since we told Cash" I take the moment to wipe the tears off his cheeks and I keep running my thumb over his forhead. "Baby I love you" "I love you too, but you need to play."

•Kevin POV•
Of course I want to play why wouldn't I? Missing games means missing chances and I hate missing chances. "I'm not playing" I mumble again trying not to look Sam in the eye. "Ok then stop crying it's making me depressed" "Sorry love" I turn myself so my head is on her belly and I start talking to my little girl. No matter what I go through during the day she's the one thing that can make me happy at any given time.

-3 weeks later-
"Babe what do you want to do for dinner?" I sit on the arm of the sofa and Sam is laying across it with her arm over her face. She hasn't been feeling good this past week and the doctor said it's because it's almost baby time which couldn't make me happier. I just hate seeing her this way. "Nothing I just want to rip my stomach to pieces" "Well don't do that!" I try to joke but she just glares at me and if looks could kill I'd be dead. "Sorry. I'm just gonna get pizza then" "No I don't want pizza" "Exactly. What do you want?" I try to hold back my attitude but I fail given the amount of irritance I have towards her right now. "Chinese" "Ok I'll be right back if you need anything call me, if I don't answer call Richie please. I love you baby" I kiss her head getting a groan in response before turning and walking out the door.

I'm paying for our food when my phone rings and I see it's Sam. "Yes princess?" "Kevin- c-come home I- baby" Shit. I throw all the food down and run down the street knowing it'll be quicker if I run and use her car then drive to use my own.

I get home not even 5 minutes later and get inside to see her by the fridge on the ground. "Sam babe what is it?!" I notice what looks to be spilt water on the ground but that's when it all comes together. Baby. Water broke. Sam. I rush to our room throwing together a bag for her that she never did thanks to procrastination. "Babe can you stand up?" I ask her. "I can but I don't want to" "Fair enough" I pick her up noticing how light she actually is. I think I lift more for practice then I am carrying her pregnant self.

"Ya she's ready. Will you be staying?" the doctor asks me and although I was going to say yes anways, Sam squeezes my hand asking me to stay. "Yes I will be", I bend down to her face and peck her cheek "Babe don't worry I'm right here with you."

"Here is, Peyton Grace Kiermaier" the doctor says handing a bundle of pink to Samantha. I can't see her face but I already know she's beautiful just like her mother. "Kev she has your eyes" Sam smiles up at me, scooting over at the same time to make room for me to sit with her. "My eyes but everything else from you. Just means she'll be the second most beautiful girl in the world" I kiss her head then Peyton's enjoying this first moment as a family.

"Did you tell the team yet?" "Ya they're all on their way. Archer's already here though if you want?" "Yes please" I go and grab Chris before handing him Peyton and he sits down with her. "Hey little Outlaw" he says smiling wide. He loves kids so much it's the cutest thing. I go back over to Sam leaving Chris for his baby time. "You feeling ok?" I brush her hair to the side and run my fingers down her arm. "Ya just really tired" "Well go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up" her mouth opens for a yawn before she rests her head on my arm and falls asleep.

"Ya ya that's cool man" all the guys voices echo through the room and I can't take it anymore. "Ok can I get everyone out! Sam's trying to sleep, Peyton's ears are probably blown, and there's more of you then this room can hold!!" A chorus of sorry's follows them out the door which I quickly close and hold a sleeping Peyton to my neck. "Sorry sweetie daddy will make sure they don't get loud again" I say and sit back beside Sam. She somehow slept through all that but curls into my side as soon as I am beside her. I smile at my two girls asleep on me before I feel myself falling asleep to.

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