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•Kevin POV•
My phone dings seconds later and I pull it out not really caring after what just happened, although that changes when I see the name I've missed across my screen.

Sam❤😘- Come upstairs plz

"I'll be back I gotta use the restroom" I lie and walk past Jake towards the bathroom but take a right and walk upstairs to her room. "Sam I-" I'm cut off by her lips on mine as her hands snake around my neck and I feel my body relax at her touch.

•Sam POV•
I hear Kevin coming and I meet him at my door kissing him and he feels tense which goes away when I place my hands behind his neck. God I've missed him. Neither of us want to pull away but do anyways, both of us sitting on my bed. "I'm sorry Kevin I love you" I say to break the silence and his lips curve to a slight smile beside me. "I'm sorry too Sam I didn't know she was going to do that. Are you ok?" his eyes scan my room then land back on my arms. "Ya I'm fine. Why'd you do it you always said it was bad..." my fingers trace his single cut clean across his right wrist. "It is bad but I had to see. You said it helps, which it doesn't by the way, so I had to try and try to feel anything but heartbreak" he ends at almost a whisper and I shed a tear knowing it's all my fault. "Baby it's not your fault" Kevin lifts me into his lap and holds me to his chest in a tight hug. He's like a mind reader. "I never should've ignored you Kevin" "I don't care as long as your mine again" "All yours"

just a short filler chapter but +relationship fixed+

steven ugh like ik he was gonna be back tuesday but he got hit again but hes fine and they are keeping him for the playoff series but idc i want him back i need him in outfield w kevin and mikie and jake and joey can come up and play and boog can come up but idk about play bc thats kevins spot and i like kevin playing idk i have a whole team situation and scenarios in my head that would be perfect but it wont happen

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