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•12 Months•
"Wait we don't even have a cake!" I half yell to Kevin who is getting ready for Peyton's party. "Don't worry I got a cake it should be here in like 20 minutes" he answers coming out from the bathroom. "Oh ok thank you" "No problemo" he laughs and goes into the kitchen getting out all the food. The doorbell rings as he does so and I answer it inviting in half the team, the other half trickling in soon after. Peyton gets passed around all her "uncles" and walks a little messig around with her foam ball and bat that Richie got her a few weeks ago.

"Do you want to do cake now?" Kevin asks a little after lunch. "Ya can you get all the guys and her to the table and I'll get the cake?" He nods and we split, him yelling at Steven and picking up Peyton placing her in her seat by the table.

We all sing before I put the cake in front of Peyton and she looks at me like I'm crazy. "Make a mess" some of the guys say and we wait for her to do her thing. "Pey honey like this" Kevin sticks his finger in the cake then pulls it out and swipes it across my face. "KEVIN!" I squeel and try to wipe it off as Peyton laughs and reaches out smacking her hand in the middle of the cake. "Good girl!!" Kevin gets closer to her which is proven to be a mistake when Peyton reaches for his face smearing cake across his cheek. Everyone is laughing and I take my chance reaching for some cake and holding it behind my back. "Babeee" I whine and Kevin turns around kissing me. I reach for his neck and smear the cake down his neck to his chest causing him to pull away chuckling. "FOOD FIGHT" someone yells and next thing I know cake is being thrown all over the place, Peyton sitting in the middle laughing and trying to throw some herself. "Nice going" Kevin jokes and uses my shirt to wipe off his face. "Hey atleast we are all having fun" "You won't be when you're cleaning this up" I laugh before shaking my head "Nah I hired someone to clean up I knew these idiots would make a mess."

The lady comes to clean and I have a feeling the price went up by the look on her face when she walked in the door. There is cake from the ceiling to the floor and you can follow icing footprints throughout the house. "Hey showers open" Kevin says pulling a shirt over his wet hair. "K I'll be back then just make sure she doesn't steal something" I whisper and kiss his cheek before running upstairs and checking on a sleeping Peyton then getting in the shower.

•Kevin POV•
I take a seat on the sofa and turn on the game glancing over at this cleaning lady who happens to already be staring at me. "Yes?" "Oh nothing" she waves me off and goes back to cleaning but I can feel her eyes on me multiple times. She has got to be atleast 50, her hair fake as fuck and she looks like a clown with that makeup painted on her face. "Ma'am I don't mean to be rude but if you keep watching me you aren't going to get paid" I state and look over at her as she crosses her arms and stares right at me. "Sorry you just look familiar. Do I know you?" "Nope now please get back to work before I need to ask you to leave" I try to be polite as possible but I can't stand her watching me.

"Ok I'm done. Where's my money" Damn she's annoying. "How much is it?" "$200" "Bullshit here's $100 please leave" I shove a $100 bill in her hand with what is probably way too much attitude but she is starting to get to me and I'm extremely irritated. "Awh is Mr. Kiermaier selfish with his money?" "Mr. Kiermaier?" "Yes now give me more or you're going to regret it" "How about you get out or I'm calling the cops" "Mmm not a good idea, might want to protect that pretty little wife and baby of yours" My body tenses and I clench my fists at her threat to touch my girls. "Get out" "Awh don't be so mad pretty boy" I don't have time to react as she pushes me against the wall and kisses me. She is grabbing my ass as I try to push her hips off me.

•Sam POV•
I turn the corner throwing my hair in a ponytail and see Kevin against the wall with...wait what. The cleaning lady has her hands on his ass and his hands are on her hips moving them. I quickly turn back and run to our room slamming the door and throwing myself on the bed.

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