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A/N: everyone reread that last paragraph of 3 bc i changed it. I decided to change Sams story so just ignore i ever wrote about steven

"Excuse me" I say as I stand up from dinner to answer my phone. The caller ID says Grace and I automatically wonder what's wrong. "Samantha?" I hear her brother Mikie say. After years of him becoming a second brother I'd recognize his voice anywhere. "Ya Mikie it's me...what's wrong?" "Um- Grace. She was in an accident and when she woke up she asked for you" "Oh well I can come next week I just have to-" "Sam you gotta come now. She wants to say goodbye" and he hangs up. I drop my phone and crumple to the ground.

•Jake POV•
"What was that?" I ask Maggie as if she knows. We both follow the sound and as we get closer we speed up at the sound of crying. "Sam?" I call still following the sound. Why the hell do we have such a big house. I finally find her in the living room in a ball on the floor. "Sam what's wrong?" Maggie asks as we both get on the ground to comfort her. "G-Grace is in the hospital" she breathes out. Her only friend, not related to her, is hurt. "What happened?" I ask calmly. She doesn't answer until she has stopped crying but she continues after she gets her sentence out. "She's gonna die."

"Can Kevin go?" I ask her as she packs. She thinks a minute before looking at me and slowly nodding. "Ok I'll call him. Sorry I can't, you know I want to" "I know, it's ok." I leave her alone and go to the kitchen to call him. "Hey Kevin do you wanna take a vacation?" "Um I don't know where?" "To Georgia with Sam. Her friend is in the hospital and she can't go alone" "Ya I'll be there in 5"

I let Kevin in and while Samantha finishes packing I pull him aside to talk to him. "Kevin I know you don't know her story and it's not my place to tell you but I need you to watch her every second. Never let her out of your sight." "I promise" he states as Samantha appears.

•Kevin POV•
Samantha steps out and her eyes are puffy, her nose is red and running. She steps towards me and I knowingly wrap my arms around her. She starts crying again and I pick her up. "See ya in a week" I tell Jake and Maggie as I carry her out. Her tears run down my shoulder and I place her in the passenger seat. "A special bidie told me what you like" I tell her and place Sour Patch Kids, a Sam Hunt CD, and a 5sos CD on her lap. She wipes her face and smiles and I reach behind her to my back seat. I grab my warm up hoodie and pull it over her head before walking to the driver side. I put in the Sam Hunt CD to start with and dance along in attempt to make her laugh. I succeed and nudge her to dance with me which she does after great amounts of peer pressure.

•Samantha POV•
We stop at the hotel first to claim a room then we head to the hospital which happens to be right next door. We walk over and find Mikie out front pacing. He has been crying and when he sees me he walks over and hugs me. I hug back and notice Kevin's face sink a little. I pull away and we head in as I whisper to Kevin, "Don't worry he's like my brother." We find Grace's room and I walk in, Kevin and Mikie waiting in the hall to give me privacy. I walk in and I feel my face drop as tears come to my eyes. She looks so bad.

the work i put into this chapter lol in case u didnt see on ur news feed i had this chapter written in my head while i was doing chores and when i finally got a chance to sit down and quickly jot down the ideas i forgot. everything.
this happens a lot like am i the only one? it makes me so mad like it was perfect in my head and then i end up with this crap but whatever it is what it is

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