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Please tell me you're safe, I'm just so worried for not only you guys but for everyone since a lot of places are going under high securities.

If any relatives or family members of yours were affected, I truly am sorry. I know you don't need my pity but it's one of the only things I can do since I'm only just behind a screen. But I can do one thing and that is to be here for all of you. It could be about this topic or anything else, I am here for you.

You don't deserve any destruction in your life, you deserve the best.

You are important.

I don't exactly know how I've managed to make it through these four days without having a soft bed to rest or a full plated meal. I slept on the park benches and woke up to the sound of children's voices, their moms' being generous and offering me food and water.

I would gladly accept it, not being aware that they did it out of pity. I know they would occasionally see me crying silently, I know they would see me on the swing set, looking up at the clouds that filled the sky. I know they thought I was a homeless person - well, I partially was but not entirely.

As these four days passed by, the lady - Liz - never seemed to leave my head. I was trying to look more into her story, feeling as if it was too familiar than normal.

Will her ending be my ending?

I shook my head as I felt fear fall upon and tried my best to forget about it as I turned the corner into the all-too-familiar street. This time, I had a lot to gather up. I gathered up all the courage, confidence, words I have to say, and most importantly, strength. But all of that seemed to vanish as he opened the door, the moon light lighting up his eyes.

"Thank god, you're okay. I was so worried about you." He said in an exasperated voice, engulfing me in his arms. It felt good to be like this, the warmth radiating off of him and onto me - this felt extremely good but it wasn't just that.

It was the fact that I genuinely felt safe and loved.

I could sense this from the way he tightened his arms around my shoulders, the way he took a sharp intake of air as I wrapped my around his waist, the way he whispered "You're safe now."

In the midst of this, I felt my heart pulse start to race, my hands become sweaty, and the tears slipping out of my eyes once again. He urged me inside with one arm wrapped around my waist, closing the door behind us with the other one. I didn't look around the place, I just walked with him up the stairs and into the well known bedroom.

"Why am I such a fuck-up?" I cried out as I sat down on the bed.

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