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get your one shots in please, the deadline is coming soon.

They say life sucks, that it does everything in it's will to knock you down and keep you pinned down onto the ground. They say life is a test, that you have to fight it's great almighty power and find a way to get back up on your feet and stay grounded on them.

If only it was that easy.

I'm living in fear because of life and I can't seem to overcome this fear. A couple of weeks ago, I was happy. Then with one thing that happened my whole world got turned upside down. I thought it had been flipped back to the way it was when I was with him but I was wrong. I was so, incredibly wrong.

It's as if I was at the edge of a cliff, my toes wiggling freely before my feet take a step off from the edge. I was free falling when I was with Luke, complete and utter bliss surrounding me as the cool breeze whisked against my skin. But that all soon comes to an end and eventually I'll hit the ground, all of my misery pounding the walls protecting my heart, breaking them down and hurting me.

"Estelle, please say something." Michael's said in a tired voice. He didn't wake up when the brick flew in through the window, he woke up because of my loud sobs. I had been sitting against the side of the bed with my knees pulled up to my chest and head resting on them for over half an hour while Michael and Ashton tried to get me to say something.

But I couldn't say a word. My lips were glued together as I internally yelled for help, for all of this to end.

"C-call the police." I finally say.

"Luke said not to." Calum says, walking into the room.


"I called him and told him to come over. He's downstairs right now."

Tears once again fill my eyes, quickly spilling from the corners and streaming down my face. It had been a week since I last saw him and I missed him terribly.

I don't know if the tears were from happiness due to the fact he was here or if they were because of what the note said.

You can run but you can't hide.

I was so terrified I couldn't even exactly think properly. It was wrong of me of not trying to stop Calum but if I had to be honest, I couldn't. I yearned for someone, it didn't matter what I needed from them I just needed someone, and he was there. He always has been there, protecting me and treating me in the nicest way possible even after I made him go through a storm but he came back, soaking wet and a smile on his face.

"Hi." He says as he sits behind me, crossing his long legs and placing a hand on my knee, the feeling making my heart flutter in a way it hadn't in awhile.

I turn my head and study his face, the moonlight coming in through the window letting me see his face perfectly. His once bright blue eyes no longer bright, now a dark shade of blue, holding no sign of happiness. The dark bags under his eyes making me know that he hasn't slept at all and his lips now slightly pale.

He looks so horrible but then again I know I do too.

I take a longer look at him before turning my head and staring at the mirror across the room. In the reflection I see him scoot closer to me before putting his arm around my shoulders and pressing his lips to my temple.

"I miss you." He says as I lean my body into his side, loving the warmth that was radiating off of him.

"Why did you tell me to leave?" I ask and look up at him, his body stiffening as the words leave my mouth. He opens his mouth but quickly closes it as Michael clears his throat.

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