Chapter 29

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

Olivia P.O.V.

The DNA test results came back and said that Tim was the father of the twins not Mitch. This was bittersweet I guess. I didn’t know how to feel, I just wanted to get through the rest of this pregnancy without any problems. 

“I want full custody of the kids,” Tim said.

I was in a meeting with Tim’s lawyer and mine. We were working at getting our divorce and now we were discussing custody arrangements. 

“I’m the mother so I should get sole custody. You can have visitation,” I said.

“The hell I will! You’re going to be the one getting visitation!” Tim shouted. 

“Mr. Eastwood calm down,” my lawyer instructed Tim. 

“This divorce should be simple. She can have the house and that is it. Then we’ll discuss visitation of the kids for her,” Tim said. 

“I need spousal support, full custody of the kids, child support, and I want to keep my last name as Eastwood,” I said. 

“You’re not keeping my last name Olivia,” Tim argued. 

“We found out the kids are yours so why can’t we even try to work this out. All of this fighting and lawyers is unnecessary Tim,” I reasoned.

“Olivia we don’t have any reason other than these kids to stay together. I will allow you to see the children once a month or so but besides that I want all ties to you cut. Olivia I will fight tooth and nail to make sure you don’t get anything in this divorce but a goodbye letter,” Tim said. 

Our lawyers both discussed everything and said a judge would have to rule our divorce and the custody in a few days. 

Tim P.O.V. 

❤❤❤ Five Months Later ❤❤❤

So much had happened since I found out the twins were mine. Olivia and I went through a messy divorce that was never finalized and she gave birth to a health baby boy and girl. 

In the end I didn’t need a divorce because I became a widower.

During childbirth Olivia faced some complications and died. Our children made it out alive but Olivia didn’t. I was the one that had to pull the plug when push came to shove.

My son and daughter where now a couple weeks old and Olivia’s funeral had just happened a couple days ago. In the end I wasn’t happy about how this situation ended.

I know I hated Olivia for all the trouble she caused and said I was going to get full custody of the kids. But now that Olivia was gone I felt bad for even threatening her with keeping her out of the kids lives. 

I would have never kept her away from the kids because that would have been wrong. But I was just so angry in the moment when I was speaking to her that I spoke out of rage. 

I had never gone over baby names with Olivia so when the twins needed to be named I just thought of two names that sounded good enough. 

I named our daughter Quinn and our son William. 

I sat in my home office looking through an old photo album while the twins were asleep. It was difficult being a father of two with no help. I was thinking of hiring an in home nanny but then I thought against it because I didn’t want a stranger raising my kids with me.

Mitch P.O.V.

I was sentenced to ten years in prison for trying to murder Tim. I felt like the judge’s ruling was so fucked up. I didn’t kill Tim so why was I being punished so badly. 

Anyway I found out that I wasn’t the twin’s father. That news pissed me off but what really hurt me was finding out that Olivia died during childbirth. 

The woman I loved and thought I would one day marry died because she had Tim’s demon seed children. That man’s sperm killed Olivia. 

I sat in my cell angry everyday that I would never see her face, hear her laugh, or kiss her lips again all because of Tim’s selfish ass. 

From what I heard Olivia could have been saved and the twins could have died if Tim told the doctors to worry about Olivia instead of the babies. 

If it had of been me I would have told the doctors to forget the kids and save Olivia. You could always adopt a child or have another one some other time if the circumstances changed.

But Tim being the selfish prick that he’s always been only thought about the babies he so desperately wanted. Forget Olivia as long as Tim had those babies he was content. 

I promised myself that when I finally got released from prison I would make Tim and those babies pay for killing off Olivia. She didn’t deserve to die. I knew Olivia was far from perfect but death wasn’t the answer to any of these self-made problems. 

The sad part in all of this was I wasn’t even allowed to go to Olivia’s funeral. I didn’t get to say my goodbyes to her and let her know one last time that I loved her with all my heart. What I felt for Olivia was real love what Tim felt for her was just …I don’t even fucking know. All I know was that he didn’t love her. He never did. 

Tim was with Olivia more so because he found her to be his life long project not his soul mate. He always wanted to save her but she didn’t need saving. I never felt like Olivia was a project I felt she was just a girl looking for love in all the wrong places. She married the wrong guy and he was the reason for her untimely death.

Author’s Note: 

So I know this was a short chapter but please still vote and comment. I have some questions I’d like to ask.

1.    Do you think Olivia got what she deserved?

2.    Do you think Tim can now finally live in peace? 

3.    Do you think Mitch will get out of jail one day and do something crazy? 

This wasn’t the last chapter but the next chapter will be the end of the story. What do you think will happen or what do you hope happens next. 

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