Chapter 6

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

Mitch P.O.V.

I had just finished up a meeting with some investors and was headed to lunch when my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller id and saw that it was Olivia. 

“Hello,” I answered. 

“Finally you answer your phone. I called you last night where were you,” Olivia said. 

“I know and I’m sorry I missed your call. I was busy.” 

“Too busy to talk to me.” 

“No baby that’s never the case. I just had to stay at work late then when I got off I was really tried.” 


“Don’t sound so disappointed. Listen I’m on my lunch break right now. Why don’t I come pick you up and take you out to eat with me?”

“I’d like that but Tim already asked me to go to lunch with him and you two have the same lunch breaks.” 

“Oh don’t worry about that. Tim must not have told you that he was asked to work through his lunch break. So he won’t be able to make it.” 

“Really… That’s strange because he just called me and said he was on his way.” 

“Maybe he forgot or something. I’ll call you right back, hold on.” 

I hung up my phone and went to Tim’s office. He wasn’t in there so I clocked out and went to the parking garage. I had to catch Tim before he left to get Olivia for lunch. 

I walked into the parking garage and spotted Tim getting into his car. I walked up to him as fast as I could to stop him. 

“Tim,” I said. 

Tim looked over and spotted me after I called his name. 

“Mitch what is it I have to get home. I’m having lunch with my wife today,” Tim said. 

Tim looked happy to say that. He didn’t deserve to have lunch with Olivia. 

“Looks like you’ll have to reschedule. The boss wants you to work through lunch,” I said. 

“What? Why so last minute?” Tim asked. 

“You were supposed to be notified this morning when you clocked in. I guess someone forgot to tell you. But you need to go back inside the boss is very high strung right now,” I said. 

“Is there anyway that you could cover for me or something. I promised Olivia we’d have lunch together today and I don’t want to disappoint her. We’ve been distant lately and I want to fix that so canceling on her last minute could just make things worst.” 

“Sorry man but the boss isn’t making exceptions this time. He wants you to do the work. But on the bright side if you keep up the good work the boss could promote you, which will make Olivia happy. I’m sure she’ll forgive you once you’re CEO one day.” 

“I sure hope so. But could I ask a favor.” 

“Sure what.” 

“Do you have plans for lunch?” 

“No why.” 

“Well I still want Olivia to have the lunch I promised so could you just pick up the food and deliver it to her for me.” 

“Sure no problem.” 

“Thanks you’re a good friend Mitch. Also tell her I’m sorry, I love her, and I’ll make this up to her.” 

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