Chapter 8

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My alarm woke me up at six o'clock the next morning. It took me a minute to realize what the sound was. I'd forgotten we had to go to school today.

"Turn it off." Benn groaned, pulling my tshirt over his head.

I couldn't help but laugh before I reached for my phone. Once the sound stopped, Benn stayed where he was, leaving little kisses on my chest.

"You stay here." I yawned, "Do you want some breakfast before I go?"

"I'm coming." Benn sighed.

"B, you shouldn't. You're not in your head. I can see it in your eyes."

"I know. Plus, I look like I got smacked in the face with a shovel." He said, "But I have to go."

"Let me see." I sighed, remembering the bruises.

He pulled himself out of my shirt, refusing to look at me. He was so ashamed of himself for letting this happen.

The swelling around his eye had gone down. It was mostly just bruised now. His lip was still gashed, but it wasn't as puffy either. I had him sit up so I could look at his back. Nothing looked infected. But I could tell that it still stung when I touched it.

"You can wear my really soft sweater." I told him, kissing his shoulder, "You look fine."

"People are gonna ask."

"So you tell them you got in a fight. Just don't say who with."

He nodded slightly, leaning back so I'd have to hold him.

"Will you hold my hand in the hallway? Like, really tightly?"

The pain in his voice broke my heart. I knew he was happy that we didn't have to be a secret anymore. But he was so scared. Things were changing quickly, and he didn't know how to cope.

"Of course." I said, my lips pressed to his neck, "I'll hold it all day if I have to."

I drove to school so Benn wouldn't have to focus on the road. I could tell that his head was still spinning. I knew he should have stayed home. But that had never been a solution he wanted to use. He didn't want to be sick, so he pretended he wasn't.

People didn't stare, but I could see them giving us second glances. I wasn't totally sure what they were looking at though. Was it the fact that Benn looked beat up? Or was it the fact that he was holding my hand?

"Oh my god."

Before class started, we found Sara in the hallway. She ran up to us, took one look at Benn, and dragged us into the girl's bathroom. I watched her put cover up on his face to hide the bruises while I explained what happened. I loved the fact that she didn't seem angry. She still cared about him.

"Text me if you start feeling bad, okay?" I told Benn when we heard the bell ring.

He just nodded at first, not wanting to let go of my hand.

"B, you're strong, remember? You can handle this. He can't get to you here."

"I love you." He said quietly.

"I know. I love you too."

He kissed me quickly as we said goodbye. Then we went down different hallways. Having to leave him felt horrible.

"Hey, Jesse!"

I heard Sara's voice behind me as I walked. I glanced back, watching as she jogged to catch up.

"Hey, thanks again for helping Benn. You didn't have to do that."

"I know." She said, "But just because he broke up with me doesn't mean I don't care."

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