Chapter 5

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At three oclock, Benn came back to my house. He'd decided that it would be best, for everyone, if he told Sara sooner rather than later. While he was gone, I just kept begging the universe to let it go well. But when he walked into my room, there were tears in his eyes.

"She cried so much." He said, tears rolling down his face, "I'm a horrible person."

I stood up so I could hug him. Benn buried his face in my neck and dug his fingers into my back, as he always did when he cried.

"No you're not. You're a good person for ending the lie."

"I shouldn't have started it in the first place."

I was silent for a minute, drawing slow circles on his back.

"Is she mad?" I asked him.

"No, just really sad. She said she had a feeling this was coming but she was hoping she was wrong."

"Well at least no one has to pretend now."

Benn quickly straightened himself, wiping the tears from his face with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. I just watched him for a second before I realized what was about to happen. He lifted a hand towards my face, twirling a lock of hair around his finger as he moved it away from my eyes. I shivered slightly as his signature smirk appeared on his lips. A second later, those lips were pressed to mine.

When it happened the first time, it had been quick. I'd been too shocked to fully register how it felt. But this time, we didn't stop. I grabbed his hips, pulling them to mine as he tangled his fingers into my hair. The kiss started out slow. But it didn't take us long to get used to each other. And once we did, we just kind of went for it. We had a lot of time to make up for.

Half an hour later, we'd finally tired ourselves out. We were both out of breath and exhausted. But I could still feel that electricity rushing through my body. We were lying on my bed, loosely hanging onto each other as we tried to catch our breath.

"Well," Benn sighed, squeezing my hand, "You're way more aggressive than I expected."

"Sorry." I shrugged.

"Don't apologize. It's hot." Ben smiled, "You are way harder to make out with than Sara ever was."

"What the hell does that mean?"

Benn laughed a little, rolling his eyes as he pressed his face into a pillow.

"I mean I've never had to try so hard to not get a boner. Not gonna lie, I seriously failed."

"Why do you think I'm laying on my stomach?"

We both took a second to laugh at each other. Then we went right back to the quiet. Right now, we were both content with just watching each other; imagining how good the future might be if this was part of it. Not just the physical thing, but every part of what this was, and what it was going to be.

We spent the rest of the day in my bed, doing nothing but cuddling, making out, and making art. When my parents came home, my mom came in to check in with us, but ultimately left us alone.

I slept well that night, not waking up even once. I wasn't really surprised. Having Benn beside me made me feel secure.

I woke up the next morning at around ten o'clock. Benn was still beside me; sharing my pillow and holding tightly to my left wrist. I watched him silently for a few minutes. He'd always been so pretty when he slept. I mean, there was never a time when he wasn't gorgeous. But in this state, he was calm. I hardly ever got to see him like that.

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