Need You Now

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I am so excited! I have an update! Finally! 

I had writers block all week and last week so now I'm just YAY!! cos I'm finally updating! Okay, hope you like the next bit!

 500 Reads! That's exciting too :D thanks guys :D 

 Okay, If you like this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment! It means alot. I think I'm a bit Hyper...which doesn't really work with the negative feel of this chapter....but there you go. Hope you like the next bit.


Aisha’s POV

 I crack open my eyes to find myself wrapped in Chris’ arms, who was awake and having a whispered conversation with Lea, who was sat on one of the chairs behind us. I spot a few other Glee guys around the waiting room and am grateful on Darren’s behalf that he has such supportive friends.

 I sit up, brushing my curly hair out of my face. “Hi,” I say, my voice hoarse from all the crying.

 “Hey, you’re awake,” Chris says.

 “Yeah, have you heard anything?” I ask, distractedly.

 “No, not yet. He’s out of operation, but that’s all we know.” Chris tells me.

 “Okay, one sec, I’ll be back,” I whisper to him, holding up a finger. I make my way over to where the Starkid’s are all sat around nervously. Lauren jumps up to give me a hug. I hug her back tightly, no words said.

 “Hey,” I whisper, my voice hoarse. “How long have you guys been here?” I ask, my voice a mere whisper.

 “Since last night, you fell asleep against Chris a little while before we got here,” Dylan tells me. 

 “Chris says we haven’t heard anything yet, we just know he’s out of operation.” I say, well, whisper.

 “Thanks,” Joey says, looking up at me, from where he was sat, head in hands. I hold out my hand to him and he reaches forward, squeezing the hand I had held out to him.

 I ask Joey if Darren’s parents know what’s happened and he tells me that he phoned them as soon as he found out, and they’re on their way, along with Chuck and his family.

 I nod, deciding not to talk as my voice was practically completely gone, before walking back to Chris and Lea and pacing around in that area. I couldn’t sit down, not now that I’m awake; I had to know if Darren was okay first.

 After a little while, a few other members of the Glee cast arrives, and, for reasons unknown to me, Kevin has my guitar??? Should I be worried?

 Either way, I took my guitar, thanking him, not quite managing a smile. I take my guitar and sit down on the floor against the wall, strumming through some tunes after greeting everyone. 

 I start messing around with a few chords and strumming random patterns, calming myself with the music. However, the random strums somehow became something more formed. I started humming lyrics, and somehow I managed to form the foundations of a song.

 I had written songs before, I had a book full of my own, private, songs, but I preferred not to put them out to the public, so that’s why the fans don’t know about them…yet. Ideas come to me at the weirdest times, usually if I’m feeling a strong emotion…like now, I guess.

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