Chapter 25- Moving On

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Thanatos’ Kitchen
Thanatos’ Cavern
The Underworld

April 2 (The Next Day)


“Again with this shit, Thanatos?!” Eros’ booming voice echoed around the room. It also seemed to echo around my head and made it throb even harder. I groaned and rolled over. When I did this, I realized that every part of me ached.

And then I also realized I was lying on the floor. Another groan escaped my lips as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. The room was suddenly flooded with a bright light as Eros flicked open the switch. I covered my eyes with my hands for it the sudden brightness was too unbearable. It felt as if my head was going to explode!

“Stop that!” Eros shouted as I reached for another bottle beside me.

“Shh, Eros. You’re hurting my head with your loud voice.” I said in a whisper. What Eros did was only to move closer so that his lips were directly over my right ear.

“Thanatos!” he shouted. And it felt as if a gong was hit inside my head. It felt as if my brain was directly hit with a cast-iron skillet.

“Eros!” I shouted and then lay back down on the floor. He grabbed the bottle of wine from me and threw it outside. I flinched as I heard glass shatter.

“Thanatos, it’s been a month already! You have got to pull your shit together!” Eros shouted. I winced and then rolled around so I could avoid him. I slumped on the ground and placed my arm over my eyes to hide from the light.

“Come on, man. There’s no use wallowing in self-pity forever. She’s not going to come back if you do this!” he shouted.

“At least the pain’s not as intense when I am inebriated...” I whispered.

Eros sighed and then I heard him sit on the floor beside me.

“Thanatos... Your life doesn’t stop just because she rejected you. You have got to move on! And it does not include drinking yourself to death.”

“Eros... I can’t die... I am Death. I am immortal. I am a God.”

“Yes. I know all that! And you are wasting away your God-ness with what you’re doing right now.”

“Well, what am I supposed to do?!” I roared.

“Move on.” Eros answered.

“And how does one move on, oh great God of Love?” I asked sarcastically.

“You live your day like how you used to. You try and get up every morning. You function. You try to find another meaning in your life. You try to forget. You take it one step at a time. And before you know it, time has passed and you have moved on. It also helps when you have found someone else to give your love to. Someone who will accept you instead of rejecting the love you are offering.”

I snorted. “She is destined for me Eros. I am never going to find another one who could be greater than her. She’s the one for me. There’s no other.”

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