Saving the day

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Chapter Twenty Four


"You can go ahead and take a seat." Deaton said, gesturing to one of the chairs located in the waiting room.

I nodded as I dropped into one of the chairs, "So, what do we need to talk about? Is something going wrong with the sacrifice? Is there–"

"No, nothing's wrong with the sacrifice." Deaton replied, cutting me off. "I thought that we could come in here and talk about what Jennifer told you back at the school the night she tried to kill you and your sister. Im quite curious, and I thought we could get your mind off of things for a little bit."

"You mean nobody's told you yet?" I asked with a furrowed brow, "I was sure someone would have told you..."

He took the seat next to me, "Well, it's your information to share...No one else's. We haven't really gotten a chance to talk about your abilities yet."

"She said Lydia and I were Banshee's..." I said with a sigh, "But apparently I'm a little different than Lydia..."

He looked extremely intrigued with my words as he leaned forward a little in his seat, "Your different than Lydia? But you're a Banshee?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah...that's what she said. Look, all I know is I find dead bodies, I somehow sent Jennifer sailing into the wall when I was trying to protect Lydia, my neck healed pretty fast from where she tried to strangle me, and my eyes glow a sparkling grey. The night Jennifer tried to kill us, I felt a power inside of me that I've never felt before, and Lydia said she's never felt that way after the bite. I can't control my abilities, I don't know how to trigger them..."

"Incredible..." Deaton muttered, almost examining me. "You truly are special, Autumn. You have no idea."

"What makes me so special?" I asked, "Why isn't Lydia like I am? I don't....I don't understand."

Deaton stood up from his seat and began pacing around the room, "It's just how you reacted to the bite...You have more're not just a Banshee. You know how there's all the talk of Scott becoming a true alpha?"


"Well, consider yourself a true Alpha in a way...just, well, a Banshee. True alphas are stronger, faster...better. So are you..."

I stood up from my seat and made my way over to where he was standing, "So you've dealt with my kind before?"

He slightly nodded his head, "Well, yes and no...I've only encountered your kind once before in my life, and it was only for a moment. Aside from that I've only heard stories...I've never actually seen what you're capable of..."

"Well, awesome. I guess it'll be a learning experience for the both of us then." I said with a sigh, "I hate not knowing anything...I hate not having control."

"Look, after all of this is over I'll do some research, alright? We're gonna figure this out, and if a new ability shows up you tell me."

I nodded, "Okay...Wait? You said you encountered someone just like me? I–I did too...but she was like, in my head. She was telling me that I was just like her and she had been waiting for me to get the it was supposed to happen. I've seen her twice. It's like she's been watching me, the second time I encountered her she was telling me that my abilities were coming along beautifully...she even mentioned my grandmother, which...I'm not sure why...but anyways...Deaton, what was her name?"

"Her name was Abigail..."


After Deaton told me that the Banshee he encountered like me was named Abigail he ended up getting a phone call, which brought our conversation to an end. It's been twelve hours since we talked, we just never continued the conversation after his phone call. I didn't get the opportunity to tell him it was Abigail that was in my head...We had both encountered the same woman.

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