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AHHHH!!! I CAN FINALLY POST IT!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D Lisa_JM28 has done it again! (that's her username for both wattpad and youtube) She's made this amazing trailer for the second half of this book, and I love it soo much. I literally couldn't wait to post this!

Sometimes the trailer doesn't work on the wattpad app, so if it doesn't work for you the link is on my profile with the rest of the trailers under my little bio thingy or whatever. It does work on a laptop, and I did post a message update thing with the link also! Let me know what you think after you watch it!

(Trailer can be seen on her youtube channel which is the same as her wattpad username listed above.) 

Hope you guys enjoy the trailer, and I hope you're as excited for 3b as I am.

(But you may wanna grab some tissues and a teddy bear because things are about to get intense af.....)


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