Finding Malia

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Chapter Twenty Eight


"Anyone else think we may be doing more harm than good?"

I shrugged my shoulders, pulling my arms close to my chest to try to keep myself semi warm. "We have to do something, Lydia..." I replied, my breath becoming visible due to the considerably cold weather.

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter."

"Actually," Isaac spoke up, "We're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote who is actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote back to his daughter."

Stiles' eyes narrowed towards the werewolf, "And again with the not helping." He exclaimed, throwing his hands out to his sides. Isaac just nodded back sarcastically, choosing to keep his mouth shut.

"Not now, boys, okay?" Each of them just nodded in response, and Stiles rolled this eyes slightly towards me. "Allison, did you bring it?"

My best friend nodded and quickly grabbed the arrow out of the trunk of her car, a small look of worry in her eyes. I was just as nervous as she was about her using the bow considering she hasn't had very accurate shot in a while, and considering she keeps accidentally almost killing people with her wide variety of weapons during her hallucinations, but....she's all we got. Let's be real here, even though her shot is a little off, she can still shoot that arrow a heck of a lot better than any of us can.

"Okay, so-" Scott's words were cut off by the loud ringing of a gunshot, and it sounded way too close for comfort. "Tate." He wasted no time and ran straight towards his bike without saying a word, the engine roaring just seconds later.

"Scott, where are you going?!" I asked, rushing towards him. "You could get yourself killed! What if he shoots you on accident?"

"I'll heal." He replied, slipping the helmet onto his head.

My head cocked to the side, "Scott-" And then he was off, not caring that I was in the middle of saying something.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Stiles screamed, rushing into the direction Scott took off in before stopping as he approached my side. "You've got to be kidding me."


"It took the doll again? What's so important about this doll?" Stiles asked his dad as Lydia, him, and myself sat stood around listening to the conversation on speaker phone.

"I don't know, but listen to me. There are traps all over those woods, near the trails, and probably near the car crash. And Tate is out there with a rifle. I want you, and your friends to stay out of those woods. You got that? Don't you dare drag Autumn out there with you, you're all going to stay away."

Lydia and I both watched as Stiles straightened up his body, a look on his face that meant the wheels in his head were turning. "Stiles?" Sheriff's voice sounded from the other end of the phone, "It's the doll." Stiles stated quietly, confusing both Lydia and I.

"What's he mean?" Lydia whispered, sending me a look of confusion.

"No idea."


This time my boyfriends eyes narrowed while his head cocked slightly to the side, "It's the doll?" He questioned, "Uh, dad...I gotta go." He quickly hung up the phone despite his father yelling at home, and turned his attention to my sister and I. "Alright, but why would it go all the way to the school and all the way back to the house just for a doll? One that was in the car wreck in the first place. We didn't find it in the coyote den." His eyes locked right on mine, "Any idea? I mean, you were friends with her. Do you remember the doll?"

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