Code Blue

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Chapter Four


Stiles slowly walked into the hospital room of his girlfriend, and he could swear he felt his heart break even more the moment he saw her lying in the bed. He couldn't stand to see her in this fragile state, she looked so broken. She was extremely pale, her lips only holding onto a slight shade of pink. Stiles couldn't believe the amount of machines that were hooked up to her, flooding her room with different noises. He walked over to the window grabbing the chair that sat under it, and pulled it over to the side of her bed. As he took his seat, he carefully placed her hand in his. The tears rolled down his flushed cheeks, "Hey, baby. It's me, Stiles...Um, look...I-I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm gonna talk anyways." 

His thumb rubbed gently against her hand, carefully avoiding the IV. "Autumn, I-I need you to pull through this..." He choked out, "I can't live without you...If I lose you, I lose myself. Please, I'm begging you...find something inside to hold onto. I've already lost someone I loved, I can't lose you too." 

Autumn was still lifeless, but Stiles held onto the hope that she was listening, that somehow she was hearing every single word he was saying. "I shouldn't have let you go by yourself...This all could have been avoided...I could be holding you right now, laughing at some cheesy movie we both hate, but watch anyways. Instead I'm sitting here watching these machines keep you alive, wishing you could give me some sort of sign that you will be okay...or at least that you can hear me...." 

Stiles brought his free hand up to his face, wiping some of the tears away. "Seeing you like this is literally killing me....Why did this have to happen? You don't deserve this...I don't understand. But there is one thing I do understand, and it's how much I truly love you. And nothing will ever change that, no matter what happens...Autumn Rose Martin, I love you...and you're the only one for me. I'll love you with all of my heart, until my last dying breath."

The door creaked open and Melissa McCall walked in, "Hey, Stiles...sorry to interrupt..." 

The boy quickly sucked his emotions back in, "I-It's okay...Do I need to leave?" 

Melissa walked over to where he was sitting, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Just for a few minutes if you don't mind..." 

Stiles nodded, "Take good care of her..." He said forcing a small smile. 

Melissa returned a comforting smile, pulling the boy into a hug. "Of course, kiddo. You don't need to worry about that." She pulled away from the boy, getting a good look at his face. " need some rest. It's looking like she's pretty set in her won't hurt to sleep." 

"I can't sleep knowing that any minute I could lose her," Stiles replied, shaking his head. "I'll be fine." 

Melissa let out a small sigh, "Alright...Then how about you go get some coffee? Maybe some food? The girls are in the cafeteria, and Scott is somewhere around here." 

"I guess coffee would be a good idea...Just, if anything changes while I'm down there–" 

"I promise I'll let you know...Now go." 

The young boy obeyed his best friends mothers orders, but he didn't get far. The moment he walked out of the room, that's when the real breakdown came. The tears poured out of his eyes like waterfalls, and his breathing became more rapid as the sobs escaped his body. There was nothing that could make him feel better other than Autumn waking up, and being okay. 


"Why are you even here? How did you even find out about the accident? Has anybody seen you?!"

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