Scott's the hot girl

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Chapter Twenty Nine 


"Autumn? Sweetie, is that you?" 

I tossed my jacket and bag onto the floor and angrily marched my way into the direction my moms voice was coming from, "Yeah, its me and I'm pissed!" I exclaimed, making my way into her office. "You have connections right!? People that know people that could make a certain someone get banned from a town or something? Because I need–"  I stopped speaking the moment my fathers eyes met mine. What could he possibly be doing here?

"Why are you upset, Autumn? And who do you wanna get banned from Beacon hills?" My mom asked, trying to gain my attention. 

My eyes stayed focused on my fathers, "Um, I uh went to see Malia and Agent McCall ruined everything."

"Ah, I heard they found her, that's great." My dad said softly, shifting his eyes back towards where my mom was seated. 

"I was wondering where you went, Lydia said you didn't even tell her. I didn't know Agent McCall was still in town, what did he do this time to ruin everything?" 

My arms folded across chest, "It's like he was watching me, he waited for the exact moment Malia showed up at the door to talk to me and he decided to make his grand entrance. He basically forced me off of the property, saying that nobody was allowed to talk to her until he talked to her himself. He threatened to call a deputy to escort me home and everything, he's such a douche bag!" 


My dad let out a puff of hair, "He threatened to call a deputy to escort you home?" 

My eyes slowly went into his direction again, "Yeah, he did. All I did was kindly ask him if I could please talk to her for just a few minutes, and then he made me talk to him privately in the front yard while Malia and her dad just awkwardly stood there watching, and he basically went off on me. He told me to back off of his case, and to tell Sheriff that his plan to send me to the house to get information from Malia didn't work. He thought I was there to spy or something, no matter how many times I told him that I was friends with her, he just wouldn't listen! Then he started saying that Malia living in the wild for so long probably messed her up in the head, and he was saying she was probably gonna end up in Eichen and he could send her straight there if he wanted.....She's not crazy! She may have been out in the wild for eight years, but I mean she survived, she's perfectly fine! I mean, things are gonna be different for awhile, she'll have to get used to things again since she's been a–" My eyes widened the moment I realized what was about to come out of my mouth. I obviously couldn't say anything about her being a Werecoyote, which was what was exactly what was about to happen. 

"Since she's been what?" 

"Um, since she's been out there not living a normal life... It's just not fair. What if he sends her to Eichen?! That place is awful, haven't you heard the stories!?  I just want to talk to her...I...." 

"I'll talk to him." My dad stated, "What he did and said wasn't right, I can take care of it." 

I shook my head lightly, "No..." 

"Yes, I wanna help." 

"What are you doing here anyways?" I quickly asked, "What were you and mom talking about?" 

He shrugged his shoulders, "I just wanted to make sure everything was okay here...wanted to make sure you were okay. I've been traveling so much for work, I haven't been able to see you since when you were in the hospital after your accident. I promise you I tried to come see you, but everything got incredibly hectic and–" 

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