Hospital Chaos

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Chapter Twenty


"You're neck is healing." Scott whispered, as we hid behind a wall in Derek's loft. We got here just in time to tell him about Ms. Blake, but he told us to hurry and hide because he was sure she wasn't far behind. 

My brow rose, "Healing? But I'm not a Werewolf, I'm apparently a Banshee...Can those heal?" 

"She said you were special, didn't she? Maybe other Banshee's can't but you can...Doesn't seem to be healing as quickly as I would, but it definitely is. I'm just really glad both you and Lydia are okay..." 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Stiles asked looking me over for the millionth time. 

Am I sure I'm okay? Not exactly....I mean, I almost watched my sister die and I almost sacrificed myself. And to make matters worse, now Sheriff's gone and I couldn't stop it from happening.... 

I nodded slowly, "Physically? I think so...I'm obviously healing...Emotionally a little shaken, but I'll be fine. Enough about me...I feel like I should be asking you the same thing..." 

"We're gonna find him..." He said softly, brushing some of my hair behind my ear. He was putting on a brave face, but I knew he was worried sick.

"I'm gonna do whatever I can to help, Stiles. I promise." I said, leaning onto his chest. 

Scott nodded, "Same here. We're gonna find him, man. I promise I won't give up until we do."

"Derek?" A voice echoed throughout the loft, "Derek, where are you?" 

Ms. Blake. 

My entire body tensed up, and since I was still in Stiles' arms he noticed right away. He wrapped his arms around me a little tighter, pulling me as close to his chest as possible for comfort. 

"Show time." Scott whispered as he slyly took a look towards Derek from behind the wall. 

"Right here." Derek responded. 

Her sigh was loud enough that we could hear it, "Thank God....Something happened at the recital. At the school, alright? I need to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them." 

"From who?" 

"Scott, Stiles, and Autumn. They're gonna tell you things. Things you can't believe, you just have to trust me, okay? Promise you'll listen to me."

No, Derek. Don't Promise anything. 

"I promise." 

Silence filled the room, so I pulled away from Stiles' grip and tapped Scott on the shoulder. He turned around and I threw my hands to the side asking him what was going on without making a sound. Scott wrapped his arms around himself and began puckering up his lips, I know he was trying to be completely serious, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't slightly hilarious seeing him do that. 

"They're already here, aren't they?" 

"That's our cue, go." I whispered, motioning for Scott to move. 

The three of us walked out glaring directly at Ms. Blake the moment we made eye contact with her. She returned the glare and turned a little towards us, keeping her body as close to Derek as he would allow. I'm pretty positive he believes us, but we have a way to prove it regardless. 

"So, they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?" 

Scott shook his head, "We told him you're the one killing people." 

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