hello....it's me (i had to)

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hey guys!

So this week has a been a little hectic due to personal things, but I'll hopefully get time to work on the next chapter at some point tomorrow. I wanted to get the next chapter up like two days ago but other things happened. (sorry if you thought this was an update, oops.) So, just wanted to kinda give you guys an update on what's going on. Oh! random fact, I kinda started another Instagram account that's a personal one for me, but I'm still posting on autumns all the time as well! if you'd like to follow me my username is _creativecourt :)

Also, I was just a little curious about a couple of things. I have a YouTube account, but I've been planning on making a new account and actually making videos....if I made videos would you guys be interested in watching them? I could do an ask Courtney where you guys could ask about my writing or whatever you guys wanna know (I sound incredibly lame rn omg), ideeeek. I also wanna do videos about like 5sos, different tags, teen wolf, etc. Annnnnd, my amazing friend deputyjparrish is coming to visit in July, and we were planning on doing a younow when she's here for fun. Would you guys be interested in that? We can talk about teen wolf and all that other good stuff! (and I lowkey make a fool out of myself on a daily basis so it'll most likely be amusing.)

lol. ok I just need to sleep its incredibly late and I'm extremely sleep deprived.

I'll have an update for you guys asap!


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