Lurking in the Shadows

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Chapter Thirty One


"Isaac, are you sure you're okay? What exactly happened?"

After the whole substation thing we were all escorted to the sheriff's station, but I managed to slip away for a moment to call Isaac back after about twelve missed calls. There was obviously something wrong, and the longer I got to be away from Agent Douche bag, the better.

"I-I think so...I needed to make sure you were okay..."

I smiled lightly at his concern, "Yeah, yeah...I'm fine. Thanks for checking up on me, I appreciate it."

"Oh and is everyone else okay?"

I peeked into the window where everyone was seated, "Yeah, well...except we may have a problem with Kira, but I don't know who's listening right now so we can discuss it later. "

"I knew it, I just had a feeling...Anyways, please...Autumn, be careful. These guys, they...they come out of the shadows. One minute I was alone and then the next I was surrounded by these people, these things, in masks and glowing eyes. They could have killed me, and who knows who they're gonna go after next. Watch your surroundings, let the others know as soon as you can... well, except Kira."

"What could these things be?" I asked, noticing one of the deputies staring at me through the window to the other room. He was one of the younger guys, obviously cool enough to not make me get off the phone.

I could hear him gulp on the other end, "I think Argent's trying to figure that out now. Autumn, he said that they may have been there to kill him...he knows something, but he locked himself in his office. Allison's digging through the Bestiary right now trying to find anything about masks and yellow glowing eyes, so I better go help...if you need us just call. I can be there in seconds..."

"Oh, I'm sure you're gonna help her alright..." I smirked, "Watch your surroundings too, Lahey. And watch after Allison..."

"Of course, we'll talk later, okay? Just remember to tell everybody else to watch out for them, alright? Like I said, it happens really fast..."

"Autumn, in the office, now. Who are talking to anyways? I said no phone calls."

My eyes shot towards Scott's dad, "Yeah, we'll talk later. Everything's fine, dad. Love you."

A chuckle sounded from Isaac's end, "Okay sweetie pie, don't be too late getting home. Your dinner is in the microwave, love you bunches."

"You got it, dad." I replied back, sending a sarcastic smile towards Agent McCall before turning away from him again. "Shut up, Scott's dad's here. Bye Isaac." I muttered quietly, before quickly hanging up and making my way back into the dark office.

Interrogation time should be fun.

"Take a seat, Autumn. What did your father have to say?" He asked, I could tell he was definitely suspicious, but when isn't he?

I plopped down in between Scott and Stiles, "Oh, just letting me know my dinner's waiting for me at home since I missed it."

"Aren't your parents divorced? I thought your dad moved out of town, and you were living with your mom full time."

" Well looks like he's in town...but you know, I don't think we're here to talk abut my family issues. And you're surely not the person to talk to about family anyways...Look, if we could make this quick, that would be peachy." I replied, sassiness spilling from my words.

"Agent McCall just get down to the point, please." Sheriff said from behind the desk.

He let out a small laugh before he rested against the desk, "So when did you get there?"

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