15: Little Beautiful Moments ♡

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Rameen's POV:-

It was 3 at night and I was wide awake. I kept tossing and turning but sleep was nowhere to be seen.

"Arghhhh!!" I got up and moved towards the window of my room.

"Why can't be life as peaceful and calm as this night?" I kept thinking as since last few days I was having a great mess in my mind about my feelings.

At a time I feel like leaving everything behind and run to Salman and shout out my feelings infront of him but at another time I feel like the most coward person in this whole world who is affraid of being rejected...

Looking at the shining stars in the dark sky I let out a sigh and grabbed my cell phone from the table.

I suddenly felt a great urge to text him and I did.

Me: Hi Salman :)

I texted him and again putting the cell phone on the side table I sat on my bed and shut my eyes tightly trying to calm my stupid thumping heart.

I was lost in my thoughts when my phone buzzed and I grabbed it.

Opening the lock screen a smile unknowingly crept its way onto my lips as I saw his name.

Salman: Hi gorgeous ;) finally you remembered that I am alive. How are you? <3

Stop being too sweet mister!!

Me: *grining ear to ear* I am fine as always.

Salman: You didn't ask how I am. Ahh cruel world *making a sad face* :D

Me: Ooopss!! How are you :*

Goshh did I actually sent him this emoji ??!! I mentally slapped myself.

Salman: someone is being nice ;) I'm good :))

Me: I am born nice ^_^ ;)

Me: you there??

Me: Salman?

He didn't rply for 5 minutes and I was missing him already.

Damn!! Rameen why are you being such a despo. I smacked my head lightly and giggled.

Salman: Missing me already? ;) I know I am awesome.

Me: Tit for Tat done? :D

(I wish I could tell you how crazily I miss your presence around me every day, every hour, every minute).

Salman: Done :D why are you up so late? ●_● Its late night in Pakistan!!

Me: I just didn't feel like sleeping so I decided to text you!!

(Because those stupid memories and your thoughts keep playing in my head).

Salman: My mom says when a person can't sleep at night he/she is thinking about someone ;)

Me: Well its true :) <3

Salman: So who is the lucky one ;)?

Me: Well One day you will know and you will be the happiest. I guess :((

Salman: Surely :) your smile is so soothing. You look so adorable when you smile. Your eyes reflect your happiness. I can feel it.I will wait ;) *guessing its me* <3

Reading his text a broad smile appeared on my face.

You effect me so much Salman!! He kind of like me too?

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