48: New Hopes.

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Shayaan's POV:-

"Good morning class!" Sir Jacob mouthed cheerfully as he entered into the class.

"Good morning Sir!" We all replied in unsion.

Vecations were over. April was starting and the weather was being transformed into spring. New year of class, our last year in this university to be precise,started. I couldn't believe in one year how I changed, how my life changed, how the people who were strangers were now people I can't imagine my life without. Meeting Haniya was one of the best things that had ever happened to me because she is the one who gave me the reason to live, who made me realize my goals. I was now a different person.

"Open your note...." Sir Jacob started but he was cut in the middle as soon as James entered in hurry.

"May I come in?" He mouthed panting heavily and I chuckled as Sir Jacob glared at him and nodded after a second.

He took a tour of the class to find a seat to sit but it felt as if it was not his day. The only seat left, was in the third last row and that beside Selena.

"What's wrong James?" Sir Jacob's voice got him out of the trace as he now tore his gaze from her face and came towards me.

"Haniya can you please let me sit with Shayaan? I don't have guts to sit with Selena and break my already broken heart. I would've never bothered you if there were any seats left except the one with her" James mouthed to Haniya who was sitting beside me.

"For sure buddy!" Haniya smiled assuringly and got up walking away.

"Hey!" James gave me a fist bump as he sat with me.

"How are you doing?" I asked, concerned.

"Much better Shayaan. Thanks!" He smiled and I nodded in response. With that Sir Jacob started his lecture.

As soon as the bell rang for recess we all headed outside. James and I sat on our regular place i.e on the grass in the campus ground. There!! Haniya along with Selena was coming towards us and for a moment I glanced towards James who looked away as he sighed visibley.

"I can stand this Shayaan. Sooner or later I've to because I've to spend this year in this university so does she. Can I ever hate her?" James asked while his eyes were on her.

"Ofcourse not! You can be friends? I miss our squad" I replied and he nodded in response.

"Hey Shayaan!" Selena grinned and I got up to give her a hug.

No matter how hurt I was by her decision of leaving James I couldn't find a reason to not to talk to her because its her life and her wishes.

"I missed you!" I confessed as I pulled back.

"Me too!" She replied and moved towards James.

"James can we start fresh? Its been two months I didn't see you. I miss my best friend!! Everyday the guilt is killing me. I can't control my feelings. I was meant to fall in love with Jeremy... I just...." she said fidgeting with her fingers, all nervous and confused.

To my surprise James limped closer to her and hugged her and for a moment his expressions changed as his face shone with peace. Her warmth was the only thing he was craving for but it will never be the same for him.

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