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Haniya's POV:-

People say you move on.  They tell us to be patient and let our hearts heal slowly. They tell us that it will be ok but they don't know us, they aren't with us when we are all alone. They don't feel what we feel deep in our hearts. They tell us to forget and stop waiting, to stop loving, to move ahead and to not to think about those who left because they think their thoughts hurt our souls. Little does they know that memories are the most precious to us.

Memories are the only thing we are left with to calm our hearts, to fill the emptiness.

"You know what Shayaan? There are days when I smile for you, remembring the times we spent together and then there are days I cry myself to sleep because your absence haunts me. But today is one of the worst days, when I feel like no matter how long it's been I think about you and suddenly It gets harder to breath" I spoke with my eyes glued to the shiny stars up in the pitch dark sky.

Sitting near the window of our room, holding his picture close to my heart I talked to him like I've done everyday in the past three years. As the sun settles down and darkness spread on the sky I spend my time with him, with his memories.

I got up and put his picture on the table. Walking upto the cupboard I opened it and my hands unknowingly reached upto Shayaan's coat he wore on our wedding day.

"How handsome you looked that day. That day you completed my life" I whispered as I carassed his coat. Few tears trickled down my lashes as my throat went dry. Clenching his coat in my hands, hugging it to my chest I slid down against the cupboard and sobbed.

When we cry it doesn't mean that we are weak, it shows that we have been strong for too long and we need to let the hurt out in the form of these small saltish droplets.

"Haniya!" Someone took my name and I hurriedly wiped my tears as I stood up and placed his coat inside the cupboard.

"Gosh! Here you are and your hurricane daughter has been searching for you everywhere" Rameen came inside the room, a slight frown and disapproval was evident on her face.

"She is crying and you know that you are the only one who can handle her" she said as she came closer.

"I was about to go, I just...." I sighed shutting my eyes and she hugged me.

"I know you Haniya. Its been years but his each and every belonging is safe here in this room. I know why you spend your time all alone, sitting here" she assured as we pulled back.

"He is there. I feel him Rameen, in every corner, in every breath of mine. He is there in my heart, in my mind, in my soul.  I can never let his memories fade. I promised him I'll never stop loving him, I'll never stop smiling. I can only live if his memories are with me" I replied with a smile and she nodded with a assuring look.

"Now go before she turn the entire house upside down" Rameen laughed popping her eyes out acting horrified.

"Going" I shook my head, laughing.

I entered in her room and she was sitting on her bed with her books spread all over her as she sniffled looking adoreable.

"What happened Emaan? Why are you crying baby?" I frowned as I opened my arms wide, sitting on my knees as to level her small height. She ran towards me and wrapped her delicate hands around my neck.

She is my Emaan-- my faith. I lost my faith, I lost my hope of living but when for the first time I held her in my arms that hope, that belief came back. She made me believe in myself when I just wanted to die.

She is so like Shayaan. Her eyes, her anger issues, the way her eyes crinkle when she smiles, the way she make me laugh, the way she calms my heart. She is exactly like him. I can see Shayaan's image in her brown pearls.

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