36: One Night, Thousand Feelings!

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Haniya's POV:-

He was standing there infront of me, looking as if he was lost somewhere. His expressions were telling me that he didn't expect me to be here.

I couldn't hold myself back and in no time I wrapped my arms around his neck as tears fell down my eyes and dropped in his shirt. He went stiff by my sudden move.

"Why the hell you are behaving like this? You are scaring me Shayaan. Please tell me what is wrong. Please..!" I said still not letting go of him. My voice came a little muffeled as I was clung to him.

"H.. Haniya relax! I'm fine!" He hugged me back finally and tried to calm me down. His body heat was making my tummy churn and for the first time it gave me wild sensations, I never felt before.

His heart was thumping inside his chest so was mine for some odd reasons.

"If you guys are done with your hugs can I come in" I heard James's teasing voice and pulled back instantly wishing to disappear from this phase of Earth.

Its embarassing, hell embarassing.

"Come!" Shayaan gestured him to come inside but avoiding to meet my eyes.

"Just to let you guys know, I saw everything!" James smirked at my direction and just then Shayaan glared at him making his smirk go upside down.

"Shayaan! I need to talk to you and its really important!" James said looking at him.

"I'm going inside" I walked away as I didn't want to sneak into their private talks.


Shayaan's POV:-

"What the heck is happening. Why did you bring her here?" I narrowed my eyes at James.

"What do you mean by why? She was worried for you. You kept ignoring her all the time without any reason. She is my friend too and if you will ever hurt her I'll kill you!" He punched my torso while glaring daggers at me.

"And don't you even dare to think in a wrong way. I'm taken already!" I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off.

He know me more than I know myself.

"James! I don't know what to do and what I'm feeling" my voice came like a whisper as I shut my eyes.

"You are in love Shayaan! You love Haniya and you can't just neglect this fact!" James put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him with hopeful eyes and he nodded.

"You fell in love with her the day she got into the accident. No one cries for anyone like you cried for her dude. Uptil now she was close to you but as she was getting along with Steven you couldn't see that. You are in Love Shayaan! Accept it for God's sake and put that ego aside" James said with utmost seriousness spread on his face.

You just answered all my questions!

"Yes I love her James!" I smiled at him on which he gave me a brotherly hug.

"I'm happy to know that!" He said while patting my back.

"I'm going now. Mom must be worried" he broke the hug and started going outside the house.

"Enjoy!" He stopped walking and winked in my direction. I just shook my head.

Will she love me back? Will I ever be able to get her love? I know I'm not the type of guy she wants... we both are completely different.

Shaking the thoughts away I walked to the living room where she was sitting, doing something on her phone.

I stared at her for like few seconds not knowing what should I say to her.

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