21: Be Mine Forever?

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Rameen's POV:-

I was eating dinner with Mom and Dad peacefully and we were chatting about random things when the door bell rang.

"You continue Dad I'll see" I stopped him as he was about to get up from his chair.

"Who is there?" Reaching at the door I asked.

"Mam there is a parcel for Miss Rameen Rehman" the person on the other side replied.

Parcel for me??

I quickly opened the door coming face to face with a man holding some beautiful flowers and a gift which was wrapped in red silk wrapping paper.

"Thank You" I said and signed the papers and took the things from him.

"You are most welcome Mam" he smiled and left.

Closing the door I headed to my room. On my way I searched for any identity of the person who sent this gift and flowers but couldn't find any.

Putting the flowers carefully on the side table I started unwrapping the gift.

"OMG its beautiful" I mouthed looking at the beautiful white dress with slight embroidrey at its neck and bottom.

There was a letter placed inside the box.

*With Love For My Love ❤* It was written on the top.

Opening the paper I started reading it.

Rameen ♡

Hope you are doing well. Yeah Yeah you must be frowning right now thinking who sent you this. You know me very well but I'll not tell you now :D Now you must be smiling ;)
*The Smile I am craving to see. :'(*
You know what?
I got an x ray today, they found u in my heart. *placing a hand on my heart* :D
The doctor said if they took u out I would die bcoz I can't live without u! :(
Bad one? :p I know but nevermind ;)
I have to confess something today because I want to know about your feelings.
Wear this and come outside at 12. The driver will be waiting for you. Don't worry I will not kidnap you. ;)

Much Love ♡
Unknown but known.


Completely reading the letter my heart started beating at a high speed.

I was confused whether I should go or not. Shaking the thoughts away I glanced at the clock and realized only half hour was left and then it will be 12.

I decided to go because the person whose letter is so sweet how can he harm me.

Wearing the dress I let my hair open and applied a little makeup. Pairing the dress with white stelatoes I glanced at my reflection in the mirror.

"I hope its that person which I am expecting to be otherwise I'm dead" I sighed deeply trying to calm my heart which was thumping inside my chest.

Mom and Dad were sleeping so I carefully tip toed towards the door.

"This way Mam!" An old man came and led me towards the car.

"Who sent you here?" Iasked him as I was unable to calm myself.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you. You will know soon" he gave a smile. Yeah a meaningful smile and I nodded.

I took the back seat and the driver started the car.

I don't know how long It took to reach at the destination. I just rested my head on the head rest and shut my eyes.

There was something due to which my heart was going berserk.

Trapped Into Love ♡ Where stories live. Discover now