Love Sucks - 40

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First thing's first, I want to apologise for not being around for ages. The dark times I've been experiencing these past few months are finally coming to an end, but it's been hard getting my writing mojo back, you know? Well, for Love Sucks that is. I've started writing a new story called Life After Death, I'd really appreciate it if you checked that out. It's something very personal to me, and your comments, votes and attention means so much to me when it comes to that story.

Anyways! Here's the next chapteeeeeer ... over a month later. Sorry, haha. I just want to say a major thank you to Matt (nirvana_love) and Sophie (silly-sophie) , who have both, in their own way, encouraged me to see the light in the darkness.

Plus, there's only 3 more chapters to Love Sucks left.. :o ! I'm still trying to get round to the major editing of this story, jaheeez. It's way too long, haha. I need to shut up. Here's the next chapter!


Chapter fourty;

Thick black smoke filled the air around me, choking me, burning my skin, burning my eyes, burning my throat. I could smell the heavy, disgusting stench of burning flesh surrounding me, mixing in with the smoke. I coughed, and it came stingingly straight from the heart. Blood sprayed out of my mouth and disappeared in the smoke around me.

Fires, everywhere – they were everywhere. There was no escape from them.

I could hear people screaming in the near distance. Their Shrieks sounded pained and scratchy as they screamed for their lives in the fires.

As my heart raced and hammered against my ribs, desperate to pump non-existent oxygen around my body, I could feel the skin of the soles of my feet begin to burn and wear away on the heated pavement. The concrete was just as hot as the fires nearby. Embedded into the concrete were all kinds of sharp objects that felt painfully like glass, and every tiny stone and every shard of glass dug into my wounds on my feet, causing sobs to build up in my chest.

I had to move, I had to run. But where to? I couldn’t even see.

“Just RUN!” My voice screamed.

And so I did. Running through the thick black smoke, I tried to see past the black clouds and tears in my stinging eyes to see if I recognised my surroundings.

And I did.

The town hall was set out in front of me, all of its windows smashed and its walls burned black from the flames burning within. Faded signs everywhere pointed to different directions;

Southampton city centre-

Southampton central-

West Quay-

My heart burned with recognition as I watched my hometown burn to the ground. The city I’d grown up in was on fire, and people with burns on their faces, covering their bodies ran past me, searching for safety as they screamed for their lives, as they screamed for their loved ones.

This burning Hell was Southampton. My hometown.

Except it wasn’t really Southampton. It was the dimension of the Damned.

The hot ground beneath me began to tremble slightly, just for a second, and then was still once more. As I stared straight ahead of myself, at what was ascending slowly in my direction, my knees began to buckle and fear shot through my body. Bright artificial orbs of white light glowed around them, twisting and manipulating in the air until they shone bright enough so that I could see them properly.

They were dressed in thick, heavy cloaks. Their hoods were pulled up around them so that shadows were cast across their faces so I couldn’t see their identity. But the orbs brightened and warded away the shadows hiding their faces away.

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