Chapter 75- Cancer Patients and Mess Ups

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Chapter 75- Cancer Patients and Mess Ups

"BYE!" I attempt to wave at Charlotte as I get into Layla's car, "See you tomorrow!"

After had going out for with Charlotte, the art class flew by quickly. Charlotte has a good reason to love that place. Sandwich Shop was adorable! It was small and funky.

The chairs were purple spinning chairs that were oval shaped and the walls were orange. That should pretty much explain why it was so awesome to eat there. My tuna, tomato, and lettuce on a bagette, sandwich was amazing!

When returned to art I managed to finish my flower painting and hand it in before I left the studio.

Layla's face is grim when I look at her to say hello. Her mascara is smugded, which almost never happens with her, and she looks extremely sad.

"Lay, what happened?" I ask, worried about my best friend.

"I messed up big time." She answers, trying to keep her cool.

"I'm sure that's not true." I rub her arm affectionately.

"I did...." She begins to cry.

I wrap my arms around her and ask her what went wrong on her date.

"Toby showed up and he was being very weird and Matt was confused, thought he was my boyfriend." She starts to explain, "But I told him he was my cousin. Then he thought he was Gabe, recognizing him from around school. When I told him that it was his twin brother he accused me of lying to him and dating him. He told me that someone warned him that I was a lying bitch that sleeps with everyone but he chose not to believe them. Then he said my nice act was just that, an act and that I am so fake. I called him an asshole for saying all that and believing all those lies then he left. I was standing there with Toby alone. I was left there by myself in the middle of our date."

I give her a sympathetic pout. "If he believed all of those rumours he doesn't deserve to be with you. Lets go to the coffee shop and cheer you up alright?"


Layla gives me a smile and bites into her muffin.

"Yummy right?" I rhetorically ask because I already know how good it is.

I managed to convince her to get the banana muffin with yogurt chips in it.

I always get it when I am in the mood to eat something here.

"Surprisingly yes," She laughss.

"I don't lie!" I laugh along with her.

"You ladies okay>" One of the workers asks from behind me.

Layla's happy face turns back to a sad one and I turn to see that the employee who checked up on us is Gabe.

I forgot he works here.

Maybe this wasn't one of my best ideas.


He's been awake for a while now. His age is really starting to show, and he seems so weak.

"You need to stay awake for a little Alpha. We need to run some more tests to check our new hypothesis." Doctor Mantel tells my father.

He gives a small nod and then I speak, "We think the Secta pack has a magical hold over you."

"A curse?" He croaks.

"They have a Witch Were child father. They are doing this to you." I say, anger towards the Secta pack leaking through.

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