Interview with the CONTEST WINNER

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Hi people.

This is the interview with the winner of the contest, Miss Diana/ Deynnalove16.

She won the contest with beautiful banners/covers that I will put up later.

Read this interview because its important for the character that will be developed from Diana's personality and what I learned from her today.


 Interviewer (aka me): Hi

Deynnalove16: Hello

Interviewer: Are you happy you won the contest?

Deynnalove16: Absolutely!

I: Awesome, lets get started with the actual questions. First question; First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

D: Brush my teeth

I: And what are you thinking about?

D: I want to read and watch The Vampire Diaries

I: Thats what you think about first thing in the morning?

D: Oh I thought you meant right now

I: No. Haha

D: Umm what am I gonna eat...

I: After you finish all your morning activities, like eating, and getting ready for the day, what do you usually do during the week?

D: School work and chores, and watching movies.

I: Chores! Oh good you do chores! What is a typical chore you are asked to do daily?

D: Clean my parrot cages and wash the dishes and clean my room

I: You have a parrot?

D: Yes. I do. its my profile pic

I: Lol, I'm a bit unsmart like that. Moving on. Whats your'e parrots name?

D: Baby, and I have a parakeet her name is snowflake

I: So I take it you like birds?

D: yes   I am an animal type of person, I got birds because I couldn't have a dog.

I: What else do you like?

D: I love volleyball, fishing, drawing, reading, music, parrot training, cooking/baking, thats just a couple of things

I: When you say you like volley ball are you on a team?

D: No. But thats because I'm home schooled, but I would be next year. 

I: Okay focusing on the home schooled bit for a moment, Would you rather be in a real school?

D: Yes and no.

I: Explain.

D:  Well there are good things about home school and some bad things, like it would be faster to finish school in home school, but you get less social time and no after school activities. So I like home school because I could finish home school faster and easier.

I: Understood. Now about drawing. How often do you draw?

D: I draw every week or when I have extra time. I mostly draw animals.

I: If you had a chance to take an art class would you?

D: Yes, absolutely

I: Can you handle teachers who don't take your artistic vision into consideration and only want you to draw their way?

D: Yes, I do what teachers want me to do. But I still draw what I like when I can.

I: So then you would let a teacher walk over you and your creative vision??

D: Well usually in art class, teachers tell you what to draw. But if she were to tell me to stop drawing of what I draw Iwouldn't listen and continue drawing

I: So lets say for example, you were told to draw a forest and she absolutely hates the way you are doing the assignment. You are drawing a destroyed forest because of all the pollution and cutting down trees, and she tells you to abandon the project after you have worked so had. What do you do?

D: I wouldnt stop, I would draw it the way I want. If she doesnt like it its her problem. Just because she doesnt like it doesnt mean I should stop. and if she is gonna give me a bad grade cause she doesnt like it, then so be it.

I:  Moving on. Describe the world in one word.

D: I'd have to say tragic.

I: Nice choice, but back it up.

D: Well all of the tragedies like the 27 people killed in an elementary school, the mall, all the maniacs who kill people for no reason, the people who say the world is going to "end".  Everything is messed up these days. It's just tragic and too hard to explain.

 I: Describe yourself in one word.

D: Oooh thats kinda difficult but I would have to say very outgoing.

I: Do you consider your self to be nice all the time?

D:I am pretty much always nice, its rare that I am mean.

I: What would be the grounds that you would be mean?

D: If someone is mean to me or if someone is mean to my family or friends, or if someone pisses me off.

I: What or who inspires you?

D: My middle school band teacher Mr. Gallagher.

I: Why?

D: Well he's inspired me to be the best i could be. He's inspired me to make my own music and keep playing even though we dont have a music class in home school.

I: You sing?

D: yeah i sing, but I actually was talking about musical instruments.

I: So what types of musical instruments do you use, and what do you play?

D: I play flute, piccolo, and guitar, both electric and acoustic.

I: Do you like to think of yourself as good?

D:  I think so. I have been told I'm very good.

I: Now for my last question, if you could have any name in the world, what would it be?

D: Wow that's a tough one...umm....i think April.

I: April? *Jeprody voice* Is that your final answer?

D: Ummm...

I: Yes or No?

D: No....Charlotte. Final answer.

I: Pretty name, well thank you for this interview, it has been lovely.

D: Thanks for interviewing!! been a pleasure! 

Want to participate in a contest?

Don't worry, soon another one will be announced. Look for the broadcast and keep reading ;)

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