Chapter 23

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Blade's POV:

I followed Shredder to the throne room...stopping in the middle I kneeled as he went to his throne and picked up a remote. He instructed me to stand which I did when he pressed a button on his remote.

Chains shot out of the walls wrapping themselves around my wrists...the moment they touched my skin I know they were copper, a burning pain shot through my wrists making me scream.

The chains tightened lifting my feet off the ground some, blood began to fall from my burning wrists. The world began to blur when Shredder said "Xever tells me you like my daughter and well I knew she liked you...if you do anything to hurt her I will not hesitate to kill you, understand?"

All I could do was nod weakly...soon the chains dropped me, I landed on my knees panting as blood still fell form my wrists. Shredder walked over to me and said "let's patch up your wrists...and you should get some rest." Oroku Saki helped me walk back the the infirmary and wrapped my wrists, the clock struck 5:45 and I was exhausted.

Once we finished wrapping my bleeding wrists Shredder spoke "Blade get some rest I will allow you to sleep in tomorrow." I nodded and sat back down in my chair...Saki left and I soon fell asleep.

Time skip (No POV):

Morning came quickly considering that the sun rose at 5:30am and it was now 6:04am, the slumbering turtle was curled up in his chair as the scientist woke up.

Baxter's POV:

I weakly opened my eyes and stretched immediately regretting the movement. I sit up slowly taking in my surroundings, to my right nothing, in front of me nothing, but to my left I see Blade asleep curled up in the chair.

He looked like he was exhausted...but yet peaceful, I smiled at my turtle friend I'm glad he's ok. The infirmary door opens and Karai enters...when she sees me I smile which she returns, she spoke "Master Shredder said that Blade could sleep during practice today since Shredder kept him he will stay in here with you just wake him if anything happens."

I nod and look back to the turtle...I'm still surprised that he trusts me, I mean in telling him the truth and all but after all I did to him and his brothers...he still helps me. I was snapped from my thoughts by Blade moaning in his was so cute...not in a weird way but like a kitten or puppy way.

You know what forget it just he moaned ok...anyway it caught my attention and I turned to him, his face showed pain and fear even though he was asleep I could tell what ever was going through his mind was not present.

I reached over and poked him...nothing I shook him...he moaned again but nothing I slapped his arm...that got his attention big time. The once slumbering turtles shot out of his chair and into fighting stance, I raised my hand in surrender and he sighed..."You know you could've said something instead of slapping me," he growled.

I smiled some and he sat back down, even though his mask is black I could still make out the bottom of dark circles under his eyes. He really didn't get much sleep, he noticed me staring and said "Yea I haven't had lots of sleep lately."

I just looked away and asked "So what did Shredder tell you last night?" He looked to me but I could tell he knew what I was talking about, he sighed and lowered his head and that's when I noticed his wrists. Two things stormed my brain 1. He is cutting himself and 2. I'm really hungry.

He glanced up and saw me staring at the tinted fabric, Blade sighed and said "Last night Shredder pulled me to the throne room...apparently Xever told him that me and Karai...l-like each other, he chained me with copper chains and said if I hurt her he would kill me."

When he said copper chains I immediately knew what was under those bandages...burns...burns so deep that they bleed.

Blade's POV:

After I told Stockman about what happened he understood...anyway I'm so tired but I got some sleep it's like 8:30am so I got about 3 or 4 hours of sleep. Patrols are tonight so me Karai and Baxter will have to prepare for that, I'll finally be home with my family.

I stretch and yawn catching Stockman's attention..."Don't worry tomorrow night all will be alright we'll be free." I smiled and nodded just as Karai entered the infirmary..."Master Shredder wanted me to check on you two plus he cut training short since you were not there Blade."

Me and Baxter nod and she asks "So are we all set for tonight?" I look over to the small scientist and say "Yes we will pack the things we need and you and Baxter will meet my brothers at the abandoned library on 4th street...from there you will be able to watch the battle but do not engage unless necessary."

Baxter nodded and Karai asked "Isn't that library where you keep your other instruments and art stuff?" I roll my eyes and nod, she smirks and I shake my head smiling as well. Stockman soon asked breaking the silence "When we meet your brothers where will you be?"

"I will be on 5th it's enough distance to where you can see us but they can't see you...I will fight and if I have to I will use my secret weapon." Baxter smiled knowing exactly what I was referring to but Karai was lost like Miley when he's bored...huh?

Shredder walked in interrupting me, he spoke "Blade do not forget tonight's patrols...and don't forget what I told you last night I meant it." With that he left I glared at the back of his head as he left, Karai asked "What did he tell you?"

I stood from my chair and say "That doesn't matter...right now we need to pack our things and move them to the alley so when the time comes you two can take them to the library." We all nod and part our separate ways after I helped Baxter up...tonight...tonight I will fight for my freedom along with Karai and Baxter.


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