Chapter 12

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Shredder's dojo:

The sparring was coming to a end Xever was winning against Bradford and Tiger Claw was beating Karai, minutes pasted and Xever and Tiger Claw were the winners.

Blade motioned for Karai and Bradford to move to the side while he sparred the mutant tiger and fish. Said mutants moved the the middle of the dojo along with Blade, they pulled out their weapons while the turtle was unarmed.

The mutants charged at Blade only to meet air, they looked to their left and their he stood waiting for another attack. They charged again but still this time only met air as he flipped over them landing in a crouch behind them.

Before the turtle could stand Tiger Claw and Xever launched themselves onto Blade, midair the black banded turtle launched at the two mutants locking his arms around their chests and pulling them down.

The mutants landed hard on their backs, but the turtle just stood up and looked at them. Blade offered a hand but neither took it, the turtle stepped back some giving them space the stand. "You fought well," said Blade. Tiger Claw and Xever only rolled their eyes.

The mutant fish with robo legs spat "We could of beaten you turtle," his accent curling every word. Tiger Claw whispered to Bradford "How can a turtle be so fast?" The mutant bone/wolf only shrugged as the turtle spoke "Weapons training starts in 30 minutes...oh and to answer your question, he turned with his back to the group "Your just to slow."

He walked to the dojo doors leaving the group slightly shocked behind him, Blade paused before exiting heading to the throne room possibly to be either yelled at or rewarded either one worked.

With the turtles in the lab:

The turtles watching the screen they were still shocked and kinda mad that Leo their leader....their brother would help foot scum, the fighting soon ended the winners were Fishface and Tiger Claw (one of the nincompoops won OMG!)

Leo motioned for Karai and Rahzar to move to the side while he sparred the mutant tiger and fish. Said mutants moved the the middle of the dojo along with Leo, they pulled out their weapons while their brother stayed unarmed.

The mutants charged at Leonardo only to meet air, they looked to their left and their he stood waiting for another attack. Man Leo was fast the three younger turtles didn't even see him move. The mutants charged again but still this time only met air as Leo flipped over them landing in a crouch behind them.

Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello were watching in awe as their brother  flipped over the two big thing went through their heads Why did he hide it?  Back on the screen they saw Leo still in his crouch as Tiger Claw and Fishface launched themselves onto Leonardo.

Midair the use to be blue banded turtle launched at the two mutants locking his arms around their chests and pulling them down. The mutants landed hard on their backs, but Leo just stood up and looked at them.

Leo offered a hand but neither took it, he stepped back some giving them space the stand. "You fought well," said Leonardo. Tiger Claw and Fishface only rolled their eyes.

The mutant fish with robo legs spat "We could of beaten you turtle," his accent twisting every word. Tiger Claw whispered to Rahzar "How can a turtle be so fast?" The mutant bone/wolf only shrugged as Leo spoke "Weapons training starts in 30 minutes...oh and to answer your question," he turned with his back to the group "Your just to slow."

The red, orange, and purple clad turtles watched as their brother left the dojo like a BOSS! (sorry I had to) Tiger Claw spoke to the group "That turtle has to have a weakness...," they all nodded ~minus Karai~ the tiger continued "We are going to Baxter Stockman!"

Throne room (Blade's POV):

I walked through the big double doors upon his throne sat the one thing I hate...Shredder. His cold dark eyes locked with my crimson ones, he spoke "Blade have you finished training already?"

I shook my head and said "No Master weapons training starts in 30 minutes." Every time I call him master is another scratch on my honor plus I puke a little every time. He nodded and stood, he walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

My neck finally lost the red tint but the bruise was still visible, Shredder spoke again "I have something I wish to give you but it can wait, get back to training later I will give it to you."

Did I hear that correctly...he has something to give I'm scared.

With the turtles (Raph POV):

I'm gonna kill that tiger if he hurts Leo, I didn't even care that Donnie didn't follow Leo (with the camera) because if he did we wouldn't have heard the son of a $@&%*!? (This is a family book)

Mikey POV:

I could tell Raph was pissed I think I see smoke coming out of his ears, but the real issue is what Tiger Claw said Dexter Stickman wouldn't betray Leo would he...Leo did save him. I said butt :P

Donnie POV:

I was to shocked to change the camera to follow Leo...Tiger Claw was really going to try to hurt Leo. He was going to make Stockman (ha I got his name right) to help all have to say to Leo is good luck bro.

Splinter POV (been awhile huh):

I stood at the door of my smartest sons lab, I heard everything Tiger Claw said about hurting my eldest son. I felt something deep within my heart...I felt hatred. My son respectively asked for no help but right now he doesn't know about the upcoming danger.

I will have to try to contact him I just hope I get to him in time...hold on Leonardo.

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