Chapter 7

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Blade was still sitting on his bed when the Shredder came by and saw his door the looked forced open...he walked in and asked "Blade what happened here?" The turtle opened his eyes and said "Tiger Claw, Bradford, and Xever happened they burst in master."

The armored man nodded and said "Get some rest because in the morning I have that news and now I have to deal with those goons." Blade nodded and the man left closing the door as much as it could since it was kinda bent out of shape due to being forced open.

Back at the turtle lair:

Master Splinter had already gone to his room but the turtles were watching Leo at first they didn't know what he was doing just sitting on his bed but after a few minutes his door was thrown open revealing Tiger Claw, Rahzar, and Fishface with angry looks.

Leo didn't seem to be affected by his door being opened he didn't moved just sat there eyes closed...Fishface asked "What is he doing?" Rahzar shrugged and moved to Leo...Mikey knew that was a bad idea because when he tried to prank Leo while he was meditating he was flipping onto his shell.

Just as that thought left his mind he saw Leo flip the mutant bone dog/wolf pinning him the the floor, "I might need to ask you three the same thing." His deeper voice startled the three younger turtles, Tiger Claw spoke "We do not fear you took our places in he master's eyes!"

Leo laughed a dark laugh confusing both the turtles watching and the mutant seconds they were on the ground Leo standing over them. Donnie and Mikey were getting ready to close their eyes not knowing if Leo was going to get his shell kicked but Raph just smiled.

On the screen Leo picked up Tiger Claw and spoke once more "The Shredder put me in charge of you because I beat you in a test now if you want to leave here yourselves I suggest you leave now but if you don't I will make your lives a living horror...understand?"

The three younger turtles watched in awe and Leo scared the three big bad and powerful mutants as to where they run out of the room like babies. Leo returned to sitting on his bed, and eyes closed. Donnie knew he was thinking about something but what could be so important?....of course what Shredder was going to say he was trying to narrow down what it could be.

The brainiacs thoughts were interrupted by Shredder walking into the room with Leo, the three younger turtles tensed up not knowing what this evil man was doing. He asked "Blade what happened here?"

Two things about his question confused the turtles 1: who was Blade? Was it Leo? and 2: what happened to the mean deep voiced Shredder? Who was this imposter?  They couldn't ponder on the question for long when Leo? Blade? One of those spoke "Tiger Claw, Bradford, and Xever happened they burst in master."

That last work struck like a knife in the three younger turtles hearts...their brother..leader just called that thing master! The armored man on the screen only nodded and said "Get some rest because in the morning I have that news and now I have to deal with those goons." Leo nodded and waited for the man to leave, he turned to where the camera was and the brothers could see that what he just said was a lie in his blood red eyes.

Donnie shut off the computer and turned to Raph and Mikey, he spoke "Shredder is treating him like a foot a son." Raph nodded and Mikey said "But Leo knows what he's doing he is working on getting out so we don't get hurt."

They three turtle exchanged looked before leaving for their rooms each thinking about Leo and his plan was it going to work or would he fall under the power of The Shredder?

Back at Shredder's lair:

Blade bolted upward in his bed he could hear the Shredder shouting at the three mutants that burst his door in like he said he would. The black banded turtle wondered if Shredder was actually buying his act that he was turning to his side just because his family was in danger man was he stupid.

Blade never thought he was good at acting but this begged to differ he was fooling the foot, the Shredder even sometimes himself. He would get out soon be with his family though they would know some of his secrets yea some not all.

Leo has hide things from his brothers for years his true strength (which they now knew), his artistic abilities (they have no clue), his speed (yea he had fast reflexes and counter attacks), his musical skills, and last but not least his biggest secret of all...his fear of...failing his friends and family.

He wouldn't know what to do if they got hurt trying to help him so he would help himself sacrifice because his strength...speed and other skills come with a price yes they have their advantages but also their disadvantages like if he isn't to careful about his strength he could shatter his own bones...his speed of he trips or his leg is taken out he would get serious road burn.

Leo never really used his skills unless he needed to so.......never yea never, but he knew how to use them how to protect himself and others. Other than that Leo or Blade at the moment would be with his family again and soon he was sure of that.

The turtle was blasted from his thoughts when a loud bang sounded from the throne room...."What..the..heck..was..that," Blade mentally yelled." The blacked banded turtle decided not to question anymore about the...the...whatever they were doing and just try to get some sleep.

It took a couple try's but he eventually fell asleep it was a deep sleep nor a good sleep but at least he got to sleep. Shredder would send Karai in a few hours to get him so might as well get enough rest before that right?

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