Chapter 11

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As Baxter and Blade walked through the halls, they would pass by other mutants, and foot bots all of which stared at them some with awe that they survived being alone with the Shredder for 45 minutes some were angry that they survived.

When they arrived at the throne room they walked in Blade held his shoulders back making him look bolder and Stockman well he just cowered behind the turtle again. Shredder looked up from his kneeling daughter to look at the two that just entered, even though his face was covered Blade could tell he was smirking under his mask.

At first Blade didn't know what he was looking at but soon he realized his neck was still red from where Shredder picked him up. Karai stood from her kneeling position to look at the turtle and human scientist, when she saw Blade's neck her eyes widened and wondered what did her father do to him after they left?

She couldn't ponder on that thought long because Shredder spoke "Ah Blade are you ready to obey?" The turtle nodded and said "Yes Master," bile began rise in his throat due to calling Shredder Master.

Oroku Saki spoke once more "5 more days until patrol I want all ninja training as for mutants...Blade since you are 2nd in command you are to make sure everyone trains including yourself, understand?" The black banded turtle nodded and said "Yes Master Shredder." *pukes some in mouth*

Karai and Blade were dismissed so they could train the clan, once they were out of the throne room she looked at Blade the bruise on his cheek still dark...his neck tinted red some. Soon she spoke "What did he do?" He turned to her his crimson eyes full of confusion, but the look on Karai's face said it all.

He sighed turning his head in the direction they were walking and said "He chocked me because I protected Stockman." Her eyes grew...yea they were enemies in the past but now he was in the foot clan...he is 2nd in command.

She was shaken from her thoughts by Blade's voice "But it doesn't matter anymore it's in the past," and with that he started walking faster getting in front of the young kunoichi. She frowned at Blade but decided just to leave him to his thoughts...he's been through a lot these past few days.

Like living in a new place, having to forget his family, and serve his use to be enemy...Karai didn't know why but she felt bad for the turtle. Again she was shaken from her thoughts because they arrived at the dojo doors.

Blade opened them to reveal Foot Bots waiting for an order, Tiger Claw, Xever, and Bradford standing off to the side looking annoyed. Karai stood by Blade's side as he spoke "Foot Bots run through as many fighting styles you know...Mutants and Karai your with me."

With the turtles:

They watched as Leo entered the throne room with Dexter behind him, Shredder and Karai turned to face the two, the thing that stood out the most was the bruise on Leo's face along with his neck. Shredder spoke "Ah Blade are you ready to obey?"

Leo nodded and answered "Yes Master." His brothers watching the screen could tell that he felt horrible calling the enemy Master but he has to do it in order for his plan to work.

Oroku Saki spoke once more "5 more days until patrol I want all ninja training as for mutants...Blade since you are 2nd in command you are to make sure everyone trains including you, understand?"

Leo nodded and said "Yes master Shredder." Karai and Leo were dismissed, but since there are no cameras in the hallways the younger turtles couldn't watch or hear what Karai and Leo said or did.

Once they arrived at the dojo Donnie pulled up that camera so they could see them, the footbots were waiting for orders and the mutants looked annoyed. Leo spoke "Foot bots run through the as many fighting styles your know....mutants and Karai your with me."

Back at Shredder's dojo:

Blade watched as the foot bots began training in the far corner of the huge dojo, Bradford, Xever, Tiger Claw, and Karai all stood beside him waiting for their order. He spoke "We are going to run through some katas then spar...later we will do weapons training understand?"

They nodded and got ready for training, the turtle was leading they started with a fairly easy kata but slowly moved up to more difficult ones. Once they were done with that Blade paired them up, "Xever and Braford, Tiger Claw and Karai, then I'll spar the winners."

The matches started immediately, Xever and Bradford fought hard but neither one fought their hardest, Tiger Claw and Karai fought hard both good fighters but which one would be victorious?

Blade was observing the matches, when he was at The mutant bone wolf/dog and mutant fish he could tell they were holding back so Blade spoke "Bradford put more power behind your strikes and Xever fix your footing to make dodging easier." The two mutants nodded and did what the turtle said, they were surprised by the results it actually helped.

Next Blade was watching Karai and Tiger Claw, "Karai don't get to cocky he is a skilled fighter, and Tiger Claw keep your guard up even when you strike." They nodded and fixed what they were told, both matches were running smoothly all Blade can do now is wait for two winners.

With the turtles:

Foot bots were training in the far corner of the dojo while Leo stayed with Fishface, Rahzar, Tiger Claw, and Karai, they watched as he spoke giving then the orders they were waiting for "We are going to run through some katas the spar...later we will do weapons training understand?"

The foot freaks nodded and got ready, Leo was leading (big shocker there)  they slowly moved through katas getting harder as they went. Then came the sparring...Leo put them in pairs, Fishface and Rahzar, Tiger Claw and Karai, then he would spar the winner.

The sparring was on after Leo paired them, Fishface and Rahzar fought pretty good for complete nincompoops, Tiger Claw and Karai were both good fighters but which one would get the honor to fight Leonardo?

Leo began to watch the fights at the moment he was at Fishface and Rahzar, Leo frowned and said "Bradford put more power behind your strikes and Xever fix your footing to make dodging easier," the two mutants did what Leo said and fought better. The three younger turtles watching the screen all had their jaws to the floor....D-did Leo help the enemy?!

Then Leo moved to Tiger Claw and Karai, "Karai don't get to cocky he is a skilled fighter and Tiger Claw keep your guard up when you strike." HE DID IT AGAIN!!!! HE HELPED THE ENEMY!!!!!

Leo just stepped back some like what he did was nothing he helped the enemy but he just stood there waiting for the winners when he gets out of there his brothers are going to have a talk with they sound like Leo.

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