Chapter 20

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With April and Casey:

The sun was about to go down and April was walking the sidewalk as Casey jumped around since they just got done watching a action move, the teenage girl spoke "We should really go see the guys it's been a while, since we had school finals."

Casey froze mid-stance and said "Yea we should." He returned to a normal position and started walking beside the young red head "The guys haven't patrolled in forever because I haven't seen them." April stopped walking and placed her hand to her head in pain, concern filled Casey's features.

When she put her hand down she said "I sense one of the guys are in pain...we need to get to the lair now!" Both teens nodded and bolted for the nearest manhole, when the coast was clear they dropped down into the sewers.

They ran and ran until they came to the lair entrance, jumping over the turnstiles both teens rushed to the lab. (just knowing they would be in their plus they could hear the computer) April opened the lab door startling the turtles gathered around the computer, but something was off...only three turtles were here.

With Blade (his POV):

I leaned against my door breathing heavily, my arm still burned but the pain was bearable. I still couldn't believe the fact that this happened, the swirls were the same colors as my brothers masks along with my blue one. I looked up to the the camera up in the corner of my room just wondering if my brothers were watching.

With the turtles (Donnie's POV):

April and Casey burst in giving me and the guys a heart attack, they walked over to us confusion filled their eyes. April asked "Where's Leo I sensed one of you were hurt?" The three of us exchanged glances before moving out of the way of the computer screen, April and Casey both gasp when they saw Leo on his floor leaned against the door clutching his arm.

Me and guys plus our human friends turned to the screen Leo was still breathing unevenly but I didn't blame him a tattoo almost just burned it's way onto his skin magically. I couldn't imagine how much pain he was in...I mean I saw him but I couldn't imagine going through it myself.

Casey asked "Maybe we were gone to long....what happened?" Raph sighed and said "Leo for captured Splinter won't let us save him...he has a plan and that's basically it other than the fact those marks just appeared on his arm." The two teen humans fell silent taking in the new information, when movement on the screen caught their attention.

Leo stood and walked over to his nightstand opening the bottom drawer he pulled out black wraps, his abandoned bandages still on the floor he just wrapped his arm with the midnight fabric covering the markings.

He looked to the camera again this time his crimson eyes were his normal blank leader eyes acting like nothing happened.

With Blade (his POV):

I threw away my bandages after I got done wrapping my arm still shocked about what happened when a voice filled my head, "Leonardo the markings are the first of many be ready for others." I recognized the belonged to my dragon form but what did he mean more are to come, do I have to go through that again!?

I looked out my window the sun was just a few minutes away from fully disappearing completely, I loved this time of day just to watch the colors dance across the sky was amazing.

I turned my gaze to my clock the glowing digits read '7:35pm' it wasn't late but I did have training in the morning since patrol is in two days. A knock comes from my door grabbing my attention...opening the door I find Karai she smiles at me which I gladly return.

She asks "May I come in?" I nod moving out of the way for her to enter closing my door behind her, I glance at the camera just hoping my brothers aren't watching. She sits on my bed noticing my black wraps she sees the tip of the orange swirl, "Blade why is there orange on your arm?"

My eyes widen and move my hand to hide the marking with the black material, she senses my discomfort and walks over to me. Her amber eyes burning into my crimson ones, she speaks "You hiding something what is it?"

I don't reply I only stare back into her eyes, she makes a grab for my arm but I catch her hand in my own. I could only imagine how hard my brothers are laughing at this if their watching.

Karai smirks and in a blink of an eye she kisses me pulling my wrap while I was in my shocked state, she breaks away and completely pulls the wrap off my arm. I look to the floor embarrassed and she stares wide eyed at the swirls.

She reaches out to touch my arm but I flinch away, of course she doesn't give up and goes to touch it again this time I don't move. She runs her fingers along the markings tracing them with her finger. Karai turns to me and asked "Where did you get these?"

I look up from the floor and sigh turning to face her I say "They just showed up I don't know how..." She turns back to my arm and says in a soft tone "It's beautiful...its the colors of you and your brothers." I was shocked that she found it nice yea it was the Homato Clan colors but she found it nice.

With the turtles, April, and Casey:

On the screen Leo just threw away his bandages when a knock sounded throughout his room, he opened the door to reveal Karai. She asked to come if and he let her closing the door behind him, Leo glanced to the camera probably hoping they were watching. (HA THEY ARE SUCKER....sorry I don't know what came over me)

Karai spoke "Blade why is there orange on your arm?" Everyone froze she noticed the markings Leo quickly covered it up, the young kunoichi stands and walks over to their brother and friend. She speaks again "Your hiding something what is it?"

Leonardo doesn't reply only stare into her amber orbs, then she doesn't the unthinkable...she kisses him...AGAIN! April and Casey were shocked since this is the first time they saw them kiss, the turtles were shocked but just surprised she kissed him again.

While Leo was shocked she pulled the wraps revealing the four swirls colored like their bandanas, their brother/friend looked to the floor embarrassed making matters worse Karai asked "Where did you get these?"

Leo look up from the floor and sigh turning to face her and said "They just showed up I don't know how...." She looked back to his arm and said "It's beautiful...its the colors of you and your brothers," so quiet it was hard for them to hear....but she found it beautiful...she found the colors of her enemies beautiful.

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