Chapter 21

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With Blade and Karai:

The black banded turtle smiled at the kunoichi, she looked up into his eyes and returned the smile. Karai spoke "Blade...Leo you have to go back to your brothers....they need you." This surprised the turtle...he didn't think she would say that since she was the daughter of his mortal enemy.

Blade swallowed and said "Karai...I...umm...have a plan to...escape." Her amber eyes widened but soon went back to normal, she asked "How long have you had a plan?" The dark turtle shrugged and said "A while and Baxter are getting out of here..."

She nodded and said "No wonder your son protective of him," as a smile found its way across her face. Blade lowered his gaze and said "I made him a promise...a promise that I would do everything in my power to get him out...I wasn't going to let him die knowing...I didn't do anything."

Karai leaned forward and hugged the mutant first he was tense but after a few seconds he relaxed, wrapping his arms around her he said "We should really check on him...," his voice was small...almost a whisper. She looked into his crimson eyes and said "We should but first..."

With that she leaned closer and pressed her lips against his closing her eyes in the process, Blade was shocked but soon closed his eyes and joined the kiss. Their arms still wrapped around each other pressing her body against his plastron, soon breaking away for air Karai blushed as did Blade before smiling and rewrapping his arm this time hiding the colorful swirls...then they left his room to check on Stockman.

With turtles/humans:

They watched as Leo Karai talked, blah blah blah she thinks he should come back home, blah blah blah HE TELLS HER HE HAS A PLAN blah blah blah she jokes about his protection over Stickman blah blah blah.

As they blankly watched the screen one thing caught their attention, "I made him a promise...a promise that I would do everything in my power to get him out...I wasn't going to let him die knowing...I didn't do anything."

Something about what Leo said really spoke to them...yes he was that way towards them but he truly meant it about Dexter, Leo would probably even give his life for the scientist.

They began to pay closer attention to what was said next, after Leo said they should check the scientist Karai did the unexpected...again. (this is beginning to be a routine between them) She says "We should but first...," and leans in crashing her lips into Leo's.

Their brother/friend didn't stay shocked for long before closing his eyes and pressing his lips back into Karai's. Everyone watching were utterly shocked Leo the good guy, the leader, the eldest, and probably the wisest..just kisses the princess of the foot.

Donnie, Mikey, April, and Casey saw nothing really  wrong with this they all knew Leo like her and now they knew she liked him, but Raph...Raph was another story, sure he knew his brother like Karai and he now knows she likes him back....but Leo is a Homato Clan member and she is a Foot Clan member.

He just didn't want Leo getting hurt again...he also didn't want Leo to become closer to the foot.

With Blade and Karai (his POV):

Me and Karai walked through the halls of the Foot HQ she leaned her head on my shoulder as we walked my arm holding her close, I glanced down at her and smiled...but something clouded my plan. I couldn't just leave her...could I...I can easily get Baxter out because he hates it here more than me.

Karai well that's a different story...she is the daughter of Shredder I can't take her away from that, and she can't take me away from my family...I frown even more and sigh. She looks up at me with concerned eyes before breaking away from seeing me at war with my self.

She asks "Are you ok...what's the matter?!" Without thinking I pull her into a tight embrace...which she gladly returns, I swallow a lump in my throat and say "I-we can't do family need me and your needed I can't take you away from your only family..."

She looked me in the eye finding that what I said was the truth she sighed and said "Leo...I would leave me father of it meant I could be with you," and with that she hugged me tighter before letting go and saying "If you go so do I...understand?" I nod and we continue walking, she returned to my side her head on my shoulder and my arm around her waist.

Time skip (because I can)

We finally arrived at the infirmary I could see Stockman laying on his cot sound asleep, me and Karai enter quietly being careful not to wake the slumbering scientist. I say on the cot I once occupied and Karai sat in the chair next to me, I just watched Baxter his face was peaceful as he slept.

I was shaken from my thought by Karai "You can stay here tonight, you know to watch over there when he wakes up again so he knows you ok." I nodded and she stood up stretching her back...she walked over to the door of the infirmary but before leaving she said "You gonna keep that promise...because I'm gonna help."

Then she was gone I smiled at the door shaking my head, I turned back to Stockman when a violent cough rang through my ears. My protective older brother side kicked in (even though he's not my brother) and I helped him sit up. He looked over to me with wide excited eyes...that is until another cough shoo his body, I got up and came back with a glass of water.

I handed to to Baxter, he gladly took it taking a quick but small sip. He cleared his throat and asked "H-How long have y-you been up?" His voice was so weak, "About 3 hours are you feeling?" Stockman winced a little when be shifted some before saying "I'm saved me...thank y-you."

I smiled and said "I made you a promise I wasn't going to let you die here." He coughed a little before smiling at me, "We both need rest since your patrol is in a few days." I nodded and got comfortable in the chair Karai sat in, and Baxter laid back down with my help soon he fell asleep.

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