Chapter 4

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Leo woke up to a knock at his door, he stood up and opened the door only to see The Shredder himself standing there without his helmet. His scars were very visible due to the light from Leo's lamp.

The armored man stepped into the room and Leo kneeled, the black banded turtle felt Shredder's cold rough hand be placed on his shoulder making his heart stop. His deep voice was smooth "Blade you are one of my best ninjas training starts in 3 hours be ready you fight me and my top warriors if you pass this test quickly I will let you patrol in 1week understand?"

Blade nodded and said "Yes master," with that the big man left his room leaving the turtle to his own thoughts. He thought 'Ok now all I have to do is face him and Karai, Tiger Claw, Fishface, and Rahzar can't be that hard right?'

He sighed and face planted on his bed, 'I can beat them I've always held back even with my brothers...I just hope my full strength can be enough.' Blade turned over onto his shell and sat up staring at his empty katana rack hanging on the wall.

Meanwhile in the turtle lair Donnie was in his lab asleep in his swivel chair, Raph walked in startling the slumbering turtle causing him to fall out of his chair onto his shell. The brainiac looked up at his hot headed brother and shouted "YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK RAPH!"

The red banded turtle rolled his emerald green eyes and extended his hand helping his fallen brother to his feet, he asked "Sorry for scaring you but have you come up with a plan yet?"

Donnie shook his head no and sighed sitting down in his chair continuing what he was working on before falling asleep. Raph sighed and left the lab heading to the pit to watch tv, Mikey was asleep on the couch he looked so peaceful.

Mikey began to turn and speak in his sleep " can't leave....please!" Raph rushed to his youngest brother side and shook him awake, after a few good shakes his baby blue eyes opened with tears in them.

The tears began to stream down his freckled cheeks and didn't show any sign in stopping soon, Raph pulled him into a hug he didn't know what to do Leo was the one who comforted everyone, he chased the nightmares away, he would let you sleep with him if you couldn't sleep on your own, he a good brother.

Minutes pasted before Mikey's sobs subsided into sniffles and heavy breathing, he looked at Raph with red puffly eyes and said "T-thanks R-Raphie." The hot headed turtle smiled and said "Any time bro," before pulling him into another tight embrace.

Splinter stared at his sons and smiled he knew they could get along with out Leonardo but they still needed him he was the one that kept his sons in line keeping them safe no matter what...just like his multiple sacrifices, he was so young but yet grown he never had a true childhood....he grew up too fast just to protect his brothers.

Back at Shredder's lair:

Blade was sitting on his bed thinking when a knock sounded throughout his room, he got up and opened the door to see Karai. She smiled (which was shocking) and said "Time to see what you got." (That's the Karai he knew)

He followed her to the dojo seeing everyone waiting for them, Shredder spoke "You will fight them and I will join in." Leo/Blade nodded and retrieved his katanas from the weapons rack.

Once he had them he got ready, Xever spoke "I am going to enjoy beating you turtle." Blade smirked as the mutant fish with robot legs charged, he moved at the last second teasing the fish.

Bradford  soon join charging the black banded turtle from behind and the mutant fish charged his front, Blade waited for them to be only a few feet before he jumped in to air back flipping over the mutant bone dog/wolf.

Utterly surprised the two charging mutants couldn't stop and crashed into one another, two down three to go...Tiger Claw charged the turtle only to miss. Blade stood behind him faking a yawn causing the tiger to growl and turn around once again charging the turtle.

This time Blade stood his ground and right before Tiger Claw could punch him the turtle caught his fist quickly disarming him and tossing him into the pile of knocked out mutants. Karai was surprised she never knew Leo was so strong and quick, he was always holding back.

Shredder looked to his daughter and nodded for her to fight the turtle, she was hesitant but soon walked into the middle standing right in front of Blade. She asked "Your full of surprises aren't you Blade?" He didn't answer he only said "Yet I'm still holding back."

This time he charged, Karai was to slow she didn't move in time and he had pinned her to the floor in no time, he helped her up and she moved to the side sitting next to the three mutants that were already taken out. Shredder looked at his stopwatch he was using to time the match it read 1 minute 25 seconds.

He tossed the small watch to his daughter and moved to the middle of the dojo, he bowed to the black banded turtle which took everyone -minus Leo/Blade- by shock. Blade bowed back and both slid into battle stances, the armored man and the turtle charged at the same time their weapons clashing.

Blade put some distance in between him and the big man, he quickly studied his speed and strength...he smirked and charged. Taking the Shredder by surprise he managed to pin him to the wall his katana mere inches away from his throat.

He could end it all right now forget his plan and escape but then the entire foot clan would be on his tail, so he decided against it and lowered his weapon. Karai looked at the stop watch after she wrote down the time it took him to take down her and the mutants, she saw how long it took him to take down her father and was shocked if read 2 minutes 12 seconds.

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