Chapter 3

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It was quiet in the turtle lair all the younger turtles still seeing the pain their brother took, his screams still echoing through their ears. Donnie sat in his lab coming up with a plan on how to get Leo out of the foots hold, but he just couldn't.

They have never seen their brother take such a brutal beating, they knew yes Leo always got the more severe injuries but it was from saving their tails. Donnie didn't leave the lab all night trying to figure out how to get Leo out, Mikey fell asleep on the couch not willing to move to his room, and Raph...Raph locked himself in his room blaming himself for his brothers capture.

Back at Shredder's lair Leo just woke up and the only thing he could feel was pain. His door opened and there stood Karai and 2 foot soldiers, one had a chocker and the other was holding the rope.

Leo stood from the bed and said "No need for the rope I will not fight." They still didn't believe him so they put the chocker and rope on him anyways. Karai and the 2 soldiers were holding the rope but what surprised them was that the turtle was complying.

Once they arrived at the dojo they took off the chocker and stepped to the side, Shredder stood on the middle of the room and Leo stood across from him. The evil man asked the mutant "Are you ready to train?"

The black banded turtle nodded and said "Yes Master." Shredder nodded and tossed the turtle the same two black katanas from the day before and said "Same rules defeat all foot bots and I'll fix your flaws Now begin!"

On his word 14 foot bots hopped in, they were easily taken down by the injured turtle. Shredder soon ordered more foot bots to attack again they were taken down easily now they rest in pieces literally. Shredder then said something that surprised everyone "Very good it seems I don't have to correct you after all...but next time fight harder you have more strength then you let show."

He turned to Karai and the two foot soldiers holding the rope and chocker, he said "Dispose of the rope and chocker then take Leonardo back to his room," he turned back to the turtle and said "That reminds me we should change your name now that your in the Foot Clan."

The armored man began to think before saying "Blade...that can be your new name." Leo-Blade bowed and said "Blade it is Master," man did Leo hate himself for bowing and calling Shredder master but it's what he had to do in order to escape.

Karai lead Blade to his room and he walked in, before she left she said "Glad you came to your senses Leo." She was about to walk away when he stopped by saying "Karai wait....My name is Blade." She nodded and left closing the door behind her leaving the turtle alone.

When Blade was sure she was gone he began thinking of how to get out...he was pacing around his room when he froze and looked up from the ground Lightbulb. If he kept this obedient attitude up eventually he could go out on patrol then he could purposely find his brothers then turn on the foot during the fight...GENIUS!

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his door he walked over and opened it there stood Karai with a plate of food. She handed him the plate and said "You meet Shredder in the throne room in an hour so eat," and with that she was gone.

Leo sat on his bed and began eating, the food was good but Mikey's was better but he was glad they were planning on feeding him because he was still the enemy.

Meanwhile in the turtle lair, Raph and Donnie were trying to come up with a plan to get Leo back Mikey would help but he was to busy crying and fixing dinner. It was heartbreaking to watch but he never stopped either at least they now knew he could multitask.

"Donnie we have to get Leo back who knows what they are doing to him they could be torturing him the death for all we know!" The purple banded turtle turned to his older brother and said "Gee thanks for the motivation Raph," sarcasm soaking his words.

Back with Shredder Blade (Leo) kneeled did he hate himself for doing this. Shredder spoke "Blade I have come to a decision if you continue to comply and build your abilities you will be rewarded by leaving on patrol." Blade's heart skipped a beat did he really mean it man he might leave sooner then he thought.

He was dismissed and sent to bed because it was late but he couldn't sleep he had to prepare for his plan working everything out he would use all his skills because before he was holding back now he would give it all he had just to speed up the process of leaving.

The clock just struck 3:00 am the turtles were going to bed and so was the foot Blade laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling thinking about his brothers. He missed them but hopefully in a few weeks maybe a month he could be with them again.

He could hear Mikey's playful scream as Raph chased him around the lair the constant clanking noise from Donnie working on a project and the sound of Master Splinter's wise and claiming voice fill his ears. He would see them soon he just hoped they could wait just a little longer then he would be with them.

Just a little longer they would be safe and in their lair as a family....just....a little....longer was all he hoped for was more time and they could be a whole family again just a little bit longer.

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