Chapter 18

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With the turtles (Don's POV):

I was shocked to see Leo play the flute I was even MORE shocked when he was talking to Karai, I watched and listened to the screen intently. So far I've got Leo hates the labels we gave him and the only reason he never told us his many secrets is because it would give us another reason to call him said labels.

Mikey POV:

I feel guilty now Leo thinks that he can only be himself if he is by himself  or with the foot...his words began to repeat over and over again in my head. "I guess I was afraid they would laugh...I mean it would give them another reason to call me perfect."

Raph's POV:

I regret ever calling Leo Fearless and Splinter Jr...well maybe not regret but wish I did it less, now he believes that he can only be himself when he is either alone or with the foot...I'm sorry Leo.

Back on the roof of the Foot HQ:

Blade and Karai were watching the sunset when Oroku Saki walked out of the door, making Karai jump nearly falling off the roof...but Blade caught her. Both turned to Shredder with confused eyes when he said "Karai I need you to get me a few things *hands her list which she takes* as for you Blade you must train."

The turtle and girl nodded, Karai going through the door leaving the HQ to get what was on the list, and Blade took apart his flute placed it in the case and went to put up the case...then he would go to the dojo to train. (Whoo...give me...a sec....whoooo...ok I'm good)

Once in the dojo Blade was running through difficult katas his katanas drawn, the sound of steel tearing through the air filled the huge room. Spin, strike, flip, stab, twirl, double attack, strike, and pin. Shredder watched silently as Blade trained his skills amazed the armored man.

Oroku Saki considered Blade his son, the mutant turtle was loyal, strong, and could control large numbers if he tried...but one thing burned in the back of his head what if all of this is an act. He shrugged the and walked to the throne room to wait for Karai's return along with Tiger Claw, Bradford, and Xever with the weapons.

(Time skip brought to you by Skittles)

Blade was still in the dojo training when Karai and the mutants walked in, the young kunoichi held two plastic bags on in each hand and the mutants had four big boxes. Tiger Claw sat down the two he was carrying as did Bradford and Xever, Karai walked up to her father and said "I got what you asked...liquid copper each already in the syringe."

Shredder smiled even though no one could see it, "Excellent take the weapons and darts to the vault then if he disobeys then we will be ready." They all nodded taking what they brought in to the hidden vault.

Blade was just finishing up when he looked to the clock 10:30pm, he put his katanas on the rack and left the dojo heading to his room. On his way he heard talking so he hide and was Karai, Tiger Claw, Bradford, and Xever.

(Ok so here it's gonna be like a play script with the dialogue)

Tiger Claw: "Hurry before that turtle gets done training he can't see this!"

Bradford: "It's not our fault these boxes are like 1 million pounds if like to see you move them!"

Xever: "Yes move them Tiger boy!"

Karai: "Would you three morons shut up and just move them..."

Minutes pasted and they were done walking by the hidden turtle not suspecting a thing, Blade walked out of the shadows and wondered what they were hiding...he would soon find out but until then he just headed for his room to talk to his real family.

Once in his room he closed his door turned on his lamp and sat on his floor, (astral plane is italics) it was quite on the astral plane...but out of nowhere Master Splinter, Raph, and Donnie appeared. (Again it's gonna be like play dialogue)

Raph: "Hey bro long time no see."

Donnie: "Yea you must be working your butt of."

MS: "My son it's good to see is everything?"

Leo/Blade: "Everything is fine...mad let me guess you heard me play my flute?"

All three nod

Leo/Blade: "Yea well I don't have long so I'm just going to tell you quickly...Shredder sent Rahzar, Fishface, and Tiger Claw to pick up a shipment of weapons...and Karai to get some things."

Raph: "Like what type of things like weapons, chemicals?"

Leo/Blade: *shrugs* "I'm not sure but I over heard them talking...they don't want me to know about it, I fear it's weapons they will use against me but I'm not sure."

Clock strikes 12 (oh no he's late soon sorry not sorry :p)

Leo/Blade: "Ok I have training in the morning 3 days until patrol I need you three...where's Mikey?"

Raph: "He is asleep on the couch...just now seeing it's to quiet?"

Leo/Blade: *nods* "Ok well tell him this later the night of the patrol I'll contact you Shredder will be with me along with half of the foot army, so i need you to be at the abandoned library on 4th street understand?"

They nod and aha goodbye to Leo but not before he said "I will find out what the shipments were and tell you later on."

It was late and Blade was about to go to bed when a explosion shook the building, he bolted out his door heading to the came from Baxter's lab!

With the turtles:

They were about to turn off the computer and go to bed when a loud explosion shook the camera, it was so loud Master Splinter and Mikey came running into the lab. They were currently watching Leo's room...he hurried to his feet and bolted out of the room.

Donnie changed the camera until he found the camera outside Baxter's lab, the brainiac turtle spilt the screen to where they could see outside and inside. The smoke was thick but they could still see some, then Leo appeared at the doors.

Blades POV:

I ran to the lab smoke leaked out from under the doors I rammed my shoulder into the doors over and over again until they finally gave out, more smoke rushed out temporarily blinding me. I could heard Stockman coughing and I rushed in, searching frantically trying to find him.


Leo rammed into the door hard knocking it down, blindly he rushed in shocking everyone watching. They watched as he searched for the scientist...Donnie spoke "Why won't he leave Dexter?!" Raph sighed and said "He promised to get him out...and he is gonna stick to that promise."

Blade POV:

I finally found him under his desk coughing uncontrollably, I was coughing to but not as bad. I grabbed Baxter slinging him over my shoulder and rushed to the door, just a few feet away I collapsed. In the distance I could see Karai and Shredder running to the door...then nothing.


Leo got Stickman and ran for the door...mer feet away from the door Leo fell, Baxter was already unconscious. The camera on the outside of the lab saw Shredder and Karai running but by the time thy got them both were unconscious.

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