Chapter 15

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Shredders dojo 7am:

"Good Karai now winners spar me," when those words left his mouth Tiger Claw smirked while Karai nodded towards the turtle. Blade motioned for Bradford and Xever to back up since its two against one.

Tiger Claw and Karai followed Blade to the middle of the room, Blade glanced at Karai she knew something he didn't...the turtle moved his gaze to Tiger Claw he definitely had something up his sleeve.

With the turtles:

They just woke up reached shuffling into the lab to check the monitor, they saw Leo unarmed standing across from Tiger Claw and Karai both of them were armed. Donnie soon remembered what happened between Karai and his brother, and he decided to voice it after they watched the screen.

Raphael could tell Leo had been training earlier, but why go unarmed?

Shredhead's dojo:

Tiger Claw advanced on Blade, only to have the black banded turtle move at the last second. Karai launched herself at Blade but he stood his ground as she went to stab he caught the sword, the turtle spoke "Strike harder on your attacks...then they will always find their mark."

Karai nodded and moved to the side standing next to Bradford and Xever, Tiger Claw smirked knowing that his plan was working. Blade moved back to the middle getting ready to fight the mutant tiger, they both slid into fighting stances ready attack.

This time Blade launched himself at the tiger, easily jumping over the mutant just teasing him. Tiger Claw growled and ran at the turtle only to watch him flip sideways over his head. (like laying down only in the air and flipping)

The tiger was growing impatient so he loaded his gun with the poison dart ready to fire, while he was doing that he was flipped onto his back by Blade who said "Never get distracted during a fight...your only giving the opponent the upper hand."

Blade motioned the match was over and began walking to the dojo doors, Tiger Claw pointed the gun loaded with the dart and pulled the trigger...before Blade could react the dart hit his neck.

With the turtles:

The stupid tiger mutant launched at Leo of course he missed, Karai soon followed the attack only to have Leo catch her sword before it hit him. His voice was soft yet stern "Strike harder on your attacks...then they will always find their mark."

The young kunoichi moved to the side with Fishface and Rahzar while Leo and Tiger Claw stayed in the middle. Leonardo advanced on Tiger Claw jumping over him teasing him, the tiger mutant growled running at Leo.

What happened next was shocking...Leo flipped sideways over Tiger Claw (I already explained it) they never knew Leo was so agile or flexible, yea they knew he could do a ton of flips but never that many. (When he flips it is 6 flips or rolls whatever you get what I mean)

Tiger Claw's patience was growing thin, he loaded a dart into his gun and failed to notice Leo walking towards him. By that time it was too late Leo already flipped Tiger Claw onto his back, Leo spoke on his Leader Voice "Never get distracted during a fight...your only giving the opponent the upper hand."

The match was over and Leo began walking to the dojo doors, Tiger Claw pointed the gun loaded with the dart at Leo...the three younger turtles wanted to warn their brother but alas he pulled the trigger.

The dart hit Leo's neck penetrating his skin injecting the liquid into his blood stream.


Blade flinched as the sharp metal entered his skin, a burning pain began to spread throughout his body it was familiar...copper. Blade reached up and pulled the dart out of his neck...turned to face Tiger Claw and smirked at his shocked face.

Blade tossed the syringe to the tiger and said "Nice try Stockman would never betray me," *begins to walk out* "Trying to kill 2nd in command won't do to good with Shredder." Then he walked out leaving a shocked tiger, fish, and wolf behind.

Karai glared at the mutants before walking out of the dojo.

With Balde (His POV):

I walked through the BLACK halls...yes I'm still stressing about everything being BLACK, anyways where am I going you may ask well it's not the throne room....yep Baxter's lab.

For two reasons 1: to beat the crap out of him for TELLING TIGER CLAW MY WEAKNESS and 2: just to get away from everyone. I was about two feet away from the lab door when someone grabbed my shoulder, not knowing who it was I grabbed their hand twisting it behind their back pinning them to the wall.

When I got a good look at who it was my eyes was Karai, I let go and quickly apologized to her. "It's ok Blade I should've said something." I smiled and said "Yea should've....what are u doing down here anyway?"

She shrugged and said "Just wanted to be with you." I blushed but of course you couldn't see it good because the dark halls and my BLACK mask.

I broke away from her beautiful amber gaze opening the door to Baxter's lab quickly walking in, she followed me in and I closed the door. Stockman was at his desk unaware of our presence so I planed to mess with him, I did my best Shredder impression "Stockman!!"

He jumped literally like 10 feet in the air I thought he was going to die of a heart attack...I felt guilty but that sure didn't last long. When he saw it was only me and Karai he sighed and said through gasps " that!"

I smiled and said "That's for giving up my weakness it was hilarious." Baxter glared at me making my smile grow even bigger...I didn't want Karai to follow me down here because I really wanted to discuss our escape plan, but alas she did.

Karai asked "Blade why did you come down here anyway?" I turned to her and said "Just to do that to Stockman then to just talk...?" She nodded and said "Well I'm going to go have a word with my father about what Tiger Claw did."

Me and Baxter both nodded and watched her leave the lab...each of us sighed and began to talk about what we really wanted to discuss.

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