Chapter 30

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"Are you sure you'll be there on time?" Regina asked as she followed behind Christian who was getting ready to leave for work.

"Yes Gina I will meet you at the doctor's office, please stop worrying." He said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I can't help it. What if something is wrong with her, like she's not gaining weight? She felt a little light this morning."

"Babydoll please stop stressing, you are a great mother. Everything will be fine." Christian reassured her before planting kiss on her lips before turning to leave.

"5:30 don't forget!" she called after him and Christian responded with a wave before closing the door behind him. Regina let out a sigh as she tried to figure out what to do with herself for the next hour and a half before Jasmine woke up. It was only two weeks since she had given birth, but Regina could not imagine her life without Jasmine. She walked into the kitchen to find Elizabeth cleaning up the dishes from breakfast. Regina picked up a dish towel and began to dry the dishes.

"Every time I see you and Christian together it just makes me so happy. I am so proud of this little family." Elizabeth beamed as she finished cleaning the skillet she was washing. "You two have come a long way."

"You know what you're right Lizzie, we have come a long way. Four years ago I wouldn't believe you if you told me we would be engaged and have a daughter. Everything just seemed so impossible back then." Regina thought about how hurt and abandoned she felt when Christian left for Africa. Although the break-up was by her own doing she still wanted Christian to fight for her, when he didn't she felt like he didn't care enough about her to put his ambitions on hold.

"I guess we both needed some time to grow up." She said with a reflective sigh as she started on preparing Jasmine's bottles for the day. Once she finished preparing the bottles Regina could hear Jasmine beginning to wake-up.

"Why is she up so early?" Regina mumbled to herself as she rushed up the stairs to the nursery. When she walked in to the nursery and peered in to the crib Regina was as greeted by Jasmine's big brown eyes peering back at her.

"Good morning sunshine." Regina cooed as she picked up the baby and kissed her forehead. Regina was grateful that Jasmine was an easy baby like she was unlike Christian. Regina had learned from Diana that Christian was a very fussy baby that required a lot of attention.

Regina sat down to feed Jasmine when the doorbell rang and she knew that it could only be Sandra who would stop by so early. She could hear Elizabeth greet Sandra as she entered the house. A minute later Sandra walked in to the nursery.

"Good morning." She sung as she kissed Regina's cheek.

"Morning mom, you're here early...again."

"I know, I'm sorry but I couldn't resist coming by on my way to work. How's my Princess this morning."

"Great, she must have known you were stopping by she woke up extra early today." Regina said handing Jasmine over to Sandra, who was just dying to hold her little bundle of joy.

"She has her first check up today right?"

"Yes I'm a little worried."

"Don't be everything will be fine, she is growing beautifully." Sandra reassured her as she watched Jasmine finish off her bottle.

"How's daddy, is his cold getting any better?"

"He's starting to feel better. Maybe now he will listen to me when I tell him to put an actual coat on. He is so hardheaded I see where you get it from."

"I'm not...yeah your right." Regina laughed knowing that it would be just a waste of energy to disagree with Sandra's statement.

"So when are you and Christian planning on giving us more grandchildren?" Sandra asked. Regina could only stare at Sandra as she tried to figure out if the woman was serious. She had just given birth;there was no way she was even thinking about the possibility of having another child.

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