Long Epilogue: Part 5

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Shanaya's dress for the movie premiere

Shanaya's POV :

It had been a day since Brooklyn had proposed to me and today was my brother's movie premiere. He was now a huge A list actor along with his wife and my sister-in-law Simran. They were both happy, with a huge career and two kids.

That's right people, I became an aunt. I have two really cute nephews named Aryan and Rohan. They are both 3 years old and twins but can be told apart by their hair. Aryan has black straight hair like his father where as Rohan has dark brown curly hair like his mother. Theyare both so cute and will definitely break millions of girl's hearts when they are older. Like father, like sons.

I got dressed in my navy blue dress, one of my own creations. It had silver embroidery on the chest area and the under skirt ended mid thigh before the over skirt took over and ran down to the floor. It was simple yet gorgeous. I paired it with my diamond jewellery: earrings and a bracelet. I also placed my feet in silver glittery peep toe heels, making me look graceful. I had my hair down and pushed back over my shoulder, cascading down my back to my butt. My makeup was natural.

Brooklyn walked in just as I was done getting ready. I turned away from the mirror to face him.

His eyes scanned down my body, growing larger and larger as they went down.

'You know, we could just skip this premiere and just take it to the bed? I would prefer that actually.' He said.

'No, I prefer not too. I am going to go support my brother and not your dirty ideas. Now move and let's go, I don't want to be late.' I said, giving him a warning look. He raised his hand and fake surrendered, smirking.

I pulled his arm down to the front of our villa where the driver was patiently waiting by the parked limo. We got in and he drove us to the place of the premiere. It was a large hall turned into a cinema and it was also where the after party was going to be held.

The driver opened the door for us, letting Brooklyn slide out. Brooklyn then held out his hand for me to help get me out. I gladly used it and then fixed my dress before walking onto the red carpet with Brooklyn linked with my arm.

The paparazzi fired questions at us as we continued to walk down, only stopping for a few question and answering section.

'Is it true that you are now engaged to each other.' One person asked.

'Yes, I did propose to Shanaya, I'm very sure it's all over the internet and media right now.' Brooklyn said, smiling. I turned a pale pink colour.

'Have you planned anything for your wedding yet? Any themes or anything? What about the type of wedding since Shanaya is Hindu and you Brooklyn are Christian.' Another person asked.

'We haven't planned anything for the wedding yet but everything will soon start rolling according to Shanaya's choice. And a bit of mine.' Brooklyn said.

We said our goodbyes and left the still curious paps to headed in. Sid and Simran were by the front, greeting everyone in. My eyes brightened as I saw they were both holding their children.

'Bro!' I yelled at him. He turned to me and smiled, giving me a side hug with Aryan in his other arm. I greeted Simran and then turned my attention to my little nephews.

'How are the troublemakers?' I asked, taking Aryan from Sid and placing him on my hips. He smiled brightly and started playing with my hair, talking in his baby language and in a bit of English. I giggled at his words, nodding my head as if I knew what he was saying. I looked over at his brother who wss sleeping soundlessly in Simran's arms.

'Their good. One is asleep but the other one won't go to sleep.' Sid said, looking pointedly at Aryan. Aryan, as if understanding his father's words, smiled sheepishly and hid his face in my neck. I giggled.

'Well, I take him away from you as you'll be busy taking care of your guests. Enjoy.' I said.

'Thanks so much sis. You're a life saver.' Sid said.

I laughed and told Brooklyn to take Rohan from Simran so they could continue to introduce the guests. We both walked in and sat down at the front, occasionally being greeted by other people invited.

'So this is how it feels to look after kids huh?' Brooklyn asked, looking at Aryan sleeping on my laps. I smiled and nodded.

'You'll be a great mother to our kids.' He whispered in my ear. That was enough to hear for me to turn crisp pink. He chuckled, looking at my reaction to his words.

'And you'll be a great father too.' I said back. He smiled and I looked at the now half awake Rohan on his shoulder.

'Just saying, I want 4.' He said.

'4 what?' I asked.

'4 kids.' He said.

That's way too many! Do you know how much pain women have to go through in labor? It's way too much for me to handle!' I whisper yelled at him, not wanting other people to look at us weirdly.

He chuckled silently, 'Fine fine, how many ever you want. I'm all yours.'

I smiled.

<><><><> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < >

The movie was great. Sid and Simran are both great actors and did a very good job. We were now at the after party, enjoying our time with food and people.

Sid and Simran soon went to the front and did a small speech.

'Well I hope you enjoyed watching the movie cause I sure loved acting it out. I would like to thank every single person who helped in completing this film, without them, it would have been impossible. To the cast and the crew, a huge thank you from Simran and I.' Sid said. Everyone clapped and cheered them.

'Now, you must of heard over the last two days about something. My little sister got proposed by her boyfriend of 6 years, the one and only Brooklyn Beckham. And I would like to just say that I am truly happy for you guys, you deserve all the happiness in the world, especially you Shanaya. May God bless you with the new journey in your lives and always keep you under His arms. A round of applause for the new to-be-wedded couple!' Sid yelled into the microphone.

I blused red as Brooklyn laughed and put his arm around my shoulder, kissing the side of my head. I smiled at my brother who was watching us from the stage.

'And Brooklyn, if you dare do anything that is out of line with my sister, prepare to be hunted down from any corner of the planet.' Sid added in.

Brooklyn audibly gulped and gave out a nervous laugh as the audience let out a cheery laugh at Sid's threat.

'Sid! That was not needed.' I yelled at him from the front.

'It's okay Princess, he's your brother, of coursr he'll say such a thing.' Brooklyn said. I nodded but still glared at Sid. Sid was being beaten up for what he had said by his wife, who was busy completing my pending job. I smiled intently as she did so.

She is like an exact copy of me, just perfect for Sid.

The evening went by fast and was full of enjoyment. Just like a perfect life should be.

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