Chapter 30

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Shanaya's outfit for the day.

Shanaya's POV :

Tuesday morning came way too fast for my liking. I had to face Michael again. I stumbled out of my bed, the covers still around me. My stomach was killing me.

Great God. Thanks for all your love and support. Giving me my period now, out of all the days in the world, you chose the next 7 days for this monthly cycle? Thanks, I really appreciate it. Note sarcasm.

I hopped into the shower and took a quick wash. I put on clothes that would reflect my mood perfectly. My peace out top, ripped blue jeans, my black and white jacket, my OBEY hat and my black converse. I put on a bracelet, my normal makeup and grabbed my bag. My hair was left out to dry.

I stomped downstairs and into the dining room. My brother was sitting in his usual seat, texting on his phone. He saw me and smirked.

'Well someone's on their period.' My brother knew me too well. Whenever I was on my period, my clothes would reflect my mood. Which was usually black considering it was my favourite colour whenever I was on my period.

I glared at him. 'You should be thankful that you aren't bleeding to death right now. God knows how you would take it!?'

'I know, and I'm more than thankful.

I slumped down in my seat and grabbed my toast. I spread my lemon jam and chomped on my toast. The flavour of the jam was calming me down. I glugged down on my coffee, letting the caffeine take over my body.

I will really need it today.

Brooklyn's car honked. I got out of my chair.

'Be back on time after college. I have a surprise for you!' My brother shouted from the dining room.

'Okay Sid. Bye! Love you.' I shouted back.

I walked out of the house and to Brooklyn's car. The second he saw me, his eyes widened.

'What happened to you?'

I glared at him, 'My monthly cycle decided to pay its surprise visit this morning. And trust me, I feel like kicking its ass out of my house.' I snapped.

Brooklyn chuckled.

'Brooklyn babe. One thing you should know about me. I get really moody when I'm on my period. Like most other girls. So don't mess with me.'

'Sure. I understand.'

'No, you really don't. You have no idea how it feels like when blood starts gushing out of your-'

'Babe, please stop.'

'See! You can't handle talking about it! How do you expect us to handle it?'

'I really don't know. I just guess that God made you girls strong enough to endure the pain.'

I nodded.

'Let's go before I change my mind about to school and run back to my beloved ice cream inside my house.'

Brooklyn chuckled again.

We arrived at the college. I marched to my locker. People were staring at me. I wanted to shout at them. And that's exactly what I did.

'What are you people lookingat? Have you never seen someone on their period before?' I snapped. Everybody's eyes widened as ey all started shuffling.

Brooklyn approached me, amusement dancing in his pretty eyes. I wanted to punch it all out.

'I'm loving what I'm seeing of you so far.' He said.

'Oh you wait and watch what happensnext then, my boy' I said, slam my locker door after fishing all my books out of it.

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