Chapter 2

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Above is what Shanaya wore to Westfield

Brooklyn's POV:

I was here in Westfield to find some clothes to wear for one of my mum's parties she'd organised with other top fashion designers. But so far, nothing had caught my eye. Instead, I was busy playing a game on my phone.

I wasn't looking where I was going, when I suddenly bumped into someone.

'Shit' was the first word that came out of her mouth before she dropped all her bags she was holding, onto the floor. I was about to help her, but the game had once again, caught my attention. I hadn't realised that she'd bent down to try and pick up her numerous shopping bags. Feeling guilty, I crouched down to help pick up her stuff.

I reached over for her Gucci bag at the same time as her, my hand slipping over hers. Electric shocks went up my arm and down my spine. What the hell was that? She immediately pulled her hand out from under mine and back to her side. My gaze followed the hand up to her face.

She was gorgeous. Her dark brown eyes were almost black, yet so deep and captivating. Her silky dark brown hair matched her eye colour and fell down to the top of her thighs in her crouched. Her long hair was curly and a bit frizzy in places but it looked so good on her. Her lips were full and pink. Her gaze was locked on mine as we stared intensely into each other's eyes. But soon, she averted her eyes from me, and back onto the bags on the floor.

I was about to help her when I came across something quite interesting in one of her bags. It was a black lace lingerie that was out of its bag. I snapped out of my thoughts when the girl picked up the bag, stuffing the lingerie back into it.

I soon realised that the girl had stood up. I got up from my crouched position and was about to say sorry but then my eyes went over what she was wearing. She wad wearing a red sleeveless top with white ripped jeans. She also had a pair of red high heels on and was carrying a matching red bag with pearl jewellery. She looked beautiful for such a simple look.

My mind slowly wandered back to the lingerie I had seen a few seconds ago. I scanned her body again, but instead of the clothes she was wearing, I mentally made her wear the lingerie in the bag. And what could I say, the vision my mind had created for me was amazing. She knew I was checking her out and was looking a bit mad.

It's not my fault she has the body of a model!

'Excuse me?!' she was clearly annoyed at the fact I was checking her, and not making any signs of hiding what I was doing. I came out of my dirty thoughts, only to smirk at her face, amused with her angered face.

'I was just wondering what you would look like in that lingerie of yours.' I silently chuckled as soon as her jaw hit the floor. Now, I do love that reaction.

'Excuse me?' she repeated herself before continuing, 'How dare you-' I cut her off before she could even finish that sentence.

'Don't dare me princess, you have no idea what type of dares I have done in my life. And trust me, you don't wanna know princess.' My smirk got even wider as her face started to turn red. She obviously knew what I was saying.

But she did next, shocked me. She took a large step towards me. The little distance between us became even smaller. I stopped breathing for a second at her close proximity, not daring my self to look down at her chest.

'You have no fucking idea how motherfucking lucky you are that I have shopping bags in my hands and that we're in a public place. Otherwise, I would've slapped you round the face, hard.' She snapped at me. That was probably the first time I had heard a girl swear so much in just one sentence. My first reaction was just utter shock.

She clearly does not know who I am?

But then, my mind came up with a better idea, to tease her further. So far, I was having the time of my life just teasing her.

'Go ahead princess, I'm all yours.' I said, my signature smirk back on my face.

She just looked at me, shocked and confused before taking a step back. I was really enjoying her being so close to me, her body was so close to kine that I could feel her heat come to me. I almost reached for her arm but didn't in the end, encase she got really mad.

'You..... uggghhhhh!' she gave me another long death star before stomping off. All I could do was chuckle at her reaction. It was priceless.

It was then that I had a brilliant idea. The girl still looked like she was shopping. And for some reason, I wanted to watch her. I wanted to get to know her. She seemed like an interesting person.

I know, I shouldn't be doing this, I look like a stalker but her character had intrigued me.

So I followed her. She met up with her friends outside Forever 21. Listening into their conversation, it seemed as if the girl had lost them and was telling them off for abandoning her.

Soon, they went off to have ice cream. And guess what I did.

I followed them. They had only just sat down and were having their own ice cream when my girl got ice cream on her nose, she looked so adorable. Soon, she got all her friends to do the same as her, and the next thing I knew, they were taking silly selfies. She looked so cute in all of them that I couldn't help but take a picture of her from where I was seated, on the opposite side of the parlour. I knew I was going to be staring at this picture of her for the next few days. Before I knew it, the girls had finished their ice creams, and were probably heading off to continue shopping.

As I had done before, I followed them. As well as stalking them, I had finally got my own clothes for my mum's party.

They eventually left, to my dismay, after about 2 hours of me stalking them from a distance. I knew I had to go home as well.

That night, the only person I dreamed about was the mystery girl I had met in Westfield.

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