Chapter 20

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Above is the outfit Shanaya wore to the airport.

Shanaya's POV :

I woke up the next morning on something hard. It was going up and down, at a regular pace. I could hear a heartbeat, steady and relaxing. I raised my head to come face to face with another face.


He was still fast asleep, his flawless face looking so young. I could see his freckles. They were almost invisible, but I could make them out with the help of the morning winter sun. His full pink lips were slightly parted, his hot breath coming out of it. His chocolaty brown eyes were closed, leaving me to look at his long brown eyelashes. His hair was messy, making him look so cute. His face looked so stress - free and calm. I placed my hand gently on his cheek, stroking it, and going over his freckles. His skin was smooth under my fingers. So smooth, that it sent electricity up my arm, making me shiver.

He must of felt me stroking him because he slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he looked at was my eyes, his brown irises boring into mine. I slowly lifted my hand off his face, only for it to be put back there by his hands. He was smiling at me. My heart slowly decided to melt.

God, why did you have to make him look so good? He should be illegal for making girls melt.

I broke out of my thoughts as Brooklyn pulled me into a hug. Having been sitting up right by my elbows, I collapsed into his chest. Hitting my nose in the process.

'Ow.' I said, pulling back from the embrace to rub my nose.

'Shanaya, how many times have I told you not to pout?' He said, slightly groaning.

'Not many times.' I said, smirking. I was teasing him.

He glared at me. And next thing I knew, I was being tickled to death.

I laughed ao much that I could breath.

'Brooklyn... stop... can't ... breath...' I said. I was laughing so much that I could feel my face turning red from the lack of oxygen.

'Not until you say this after me.' He said, still still tickling me. I nodded.

'Brooklyn is the hottest guy on the planet, and I like him.' He said.

I just said it without thinking. As soon as I had said it, he stopped tickling me, and smirked. I finally breathed some beloved oxygen, sighing in content. As soon as I had taken in enoigh oxygen, I turned to Brooklyn, smacking him.

'Hey! What was that for?' He said, rubbing his arm.

'For tickling me! I hate being tickled!' I screeched, 'And how did you know I'm ticklish?'

'Cause I overheard your conversation with your friends?!' He said sheepishly. I glared at him, smacking him behind the head this time.

'Hey! You're such an abusive woman!' He said, stroking the back of his head.

'Your welcome!' I laughed. His face turned into a smirk. He held out his hands, wiggling his fingers. I stopped laughing. He was going to tickle me again.

'Come here princess!' He said, making his way over to my side of the bed. I quickly crawled off the bed. He chased me around my room, eventually rounding me into a corner. I was still breathing hard from all the running.

See? I really need to hit the gym!

'Ha ha ha! I'vegot you now princess!' He said. I laughed nervously. I backed up against the wall, not wanting to be tickled.

And that's when my bedroom door flung open. And my brother stepped in.

'My hero!' I screamed, running to my brother, hugging him.

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