Chapter 27

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The pics are if the Shard, where Brooklyn and Shanaya had their date.

Shanaya's POV :

Brooklyn held the car dooropen for me. Today, he had his red porsche with him. He was dressed in plain black shirt with a white blazer. His jeans were black and he was wearing black high tops.

God, I think I'm drooling.

I sat down in the posh car and strapped in. Brooklyn by now, had jogged round to the driver's seat and buckled up.

'Where are we going?' I asked.

'That's for me to know and for you to find out.' He smirked.

We drove off towards Central London. Where the hell was he taking me? We crossed the Tower Bridge and were now heading off somewhere.

'Can you tell me now?'


'How far are we away from it?'

'Not far, in fact, we're here.'

I looked round. All I saw was the Shard, which we were definitely not going too and some other business related buildings.

'I don't see it Brooklyn.' I said, turning back to him.

'Close your eyes.' He said calmly.

'But-' his hands covered my eyes. I huffed. He ran out of the car and made his way over to my door.

'Okay, keep your eyes closed and hold my hand. I'll guide you out of the car.' I did what he said and soon I was standing on both feet with my eyes closed.

'You can open your eyes now.' He whispered into my ear. I opened them. His hand was pointing at something. I looked up.

The Shard. It was lighting up. It was glowing orange andnpink, looking spectacular. Laser beams were moving through the sky, lighting it up.

I gaped, 'Tell me we're not going there?'

He nodded.

'Holy shit. Brooklyn this is fucking amazing!' I squeal, hugging him. He chuckled and hugged me back. His hand slid down to my waist, clutching my close.

I moved out of the hug and looked back up at the amazing building.

'Shall we go?' He whispered. I nodded excitedly.

We walked into the building. Brooklyn had already reserved us two tickets. We were instantly guided to the lifts. They took us up the many many levels of the building at a very fast speed, making our ears pop. But I didn't mind, the view was just too mind blowing.

We went to the top. The amazing thing about the Shard was that the building had no roof. Meaning that we were open to the cold airs of London.

I took a lot of pictures of the view. It was amazing. Due to the evening, London had a coat of evening sunlight on it. The lights of the buildings were all on, making the view look amazing.

Our guide toured us round the building, showing us all the different hotels, restaurants and different floors. He had dropped us off at s fancy Chinese restaurant. The windows were all made of transparent glass, giving us the view of London whilst enjoying the delcious food.

Brooklyn had apprantly booked us a table at the restaurant, one right next to the window. We both sat down, and just admired the view.

'Brooklyn, this is gorgeous. But you didn't have to do this, this one date must have cost you a fortune!' I said.

'No, it really didn't. Even if it was, it was worth it. I loved it and judging by your expressions, you loved it as well.' He smiled.

'I do indeed love it!' I smiled back.

We ordered our food and then went back to looking out of the window. But Brooklyn decided to do something else. He got up from his chair.

'Where are you going?' I asked.

'I'll be back, don't worry.' He winked at me before heading over to the stage area. The muscians stopped playung as soon as Brooklyn neared them. Brooklyn was given a microphone, into which he spoke into.

'Shanaya, since the day you walked into my life, I have enjoyed every single moment. Whether it was cuddling you or teasing you, I enjoyed everything. I enjoy staring at your gorgeous face no matter what mood you're in, angry, sad, mad or happy, you look dazzling in all of them. We may have known eachother for only about 2 months, but I feel like as if I've known you for more than that. And today, I wish to know you more over the next few years. Shanaya, will do the honour of making me your boyfriend?' He said, staring at me right in the eyes, with an intense pull.

I by now, was on the verge of tears. He did all of that, for me. I nodded and ran up to him, giving him the biggest bear hug possible. He chuckled and hugged me back. As soon as we parted, our lips collided.

The kiss was everything a kiss should have. Passion, lust, love and sexy. The people in the restaurant were clapping and saying 'aww'.

Well this will be next next biggest headline on every news channel and online.

As soon as our lips parted, smiles were on both of our faces.

'I am so honoured to be your boyfriend.' He said sweetly.

I smiled, 'You should be Mr Beckham.' I said, kissing his cheek. He smirked as we made our way back to our table, his hand placed around my waist.

We stayed for another hour or two, chatting, eating, and admiring.

It was possibly the best dinner date I had had. Scratch that, it was THE best dinner date any girl, including myself, could have. And that too, with none other the Brooklyn Beckham!

We left the Shard at half 10. It was now dark and I needed to get home before 11. Brooklyn dropped me off, only after having a make out session with him in the car.

'Bye baby doll.'

'Bye bye Brookie Bear!' I smiled.

I think someone put cocain in my drink, I'm so hyper!

He chuckled at my nickname for him before driving off. I happily skipped into my house and up to my room. Sid was coming out of his bedroom. When he saw me, he smiled.

'So I'm guessing your date with Brooklyn was amazing.'

'Yep.' I popped the 'p'. He smiled and nodded.

I walked into my room, taking off my date outfit and changing into comfortable clothes to sleep in. And after that, I slipped into my bed, the happiest I had ever been.

My boyfriend's name is Brooklyn Beckham.

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