Chapter 08 - Kirsten

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warning: this chapter needs to be rewritten. I'll work on it and as soon as I repost it, I'll let you know.



I wasn't begging for Tyler to go to one of those unbearable parties, where everyone looked at you and judged you by your appearance, company or whatever. It was a kid's birthday party, for God's sake! Besides, I wasn't going to stay much; I just needed to give her the little present I'd bought her and sing happy birthday, and then it'd all be done. Couldn't he do that for me? After all, he liked kids. 

The last week had been one of the worst; Leo had called me a dozen times to make sure I was ok, and for more than once I had to calm the hell down of Tyler to prevent him from going to jail, definitely this time. He needed to take a break if he wanted my brother to forget about his aggressive behavior. 

That's why during the day we didn't have many problems, though it all became hell at night; Tyler spent the whole day out at the clubs and bars with his friends, and when he finally arrived home he was completely drunk and unbearable. He kept yelling at me and locking himself at our room, and even though I understood what was going on with him, I couldn't stop myself from being mad. 

We were at that month of the year where he got all depressed and pissed off 'cause he just couldn't forget about his past; he couldn't stay home 'cause he'd probably start breaking things, or beating me, that's why he always left. After all the discussion and the alcohol effect, when he was back to normal, he just apologized and we had dinner together, watching a few movies later before finally going to bed to start it all over again the next day. 

But it wouldn't kill him to get off this routine for a day, just to go with me to Angel's birthday party. He loved that girl, and she was one of the few people (the only one besides me, actually) who talked normally to him, without acting as if she was frightened or completely disgusted and repulsed by his presence. Wouldn't kill him to have someone being nice to him sometimes.

And still, there we were, in the living room, Tyler laid on the couch while I tried to convince him to get out of that loneliness to go out with me, for a night. He kept rolling his eyes at my words and focusing on the soccer game on TV, completely oblivious to the fact I was there, asking him a favor. 

"Tyler, I'm talking to you!" I finally yelled, walking towards the screen and turning it off before facing Ty again. 

"I'm not f—cking going, Kirsten! Told you that before, and the answer is still the same. I'm not on the mood for girly birthday parties." He pointed the remote to the TV and turned it on again, while gesturing with his hands for me to get off his sight. 

"But it's Angel's birthday party. C'mon, that little girl loves you." I kneed next to him, leaning my chin on his arm and smiling. 

"Her family doesn't. And I'm not going. Besides, I'm already going out with the lads. Tell her I said happy birthday though." He yawned and focused on the screen again, screaming because the team that wasn't his favorite one had made a goal. Or whatever, I didn't really like soccer; baseball was cooler, though I didn't have preferences for a team. 

"Fine. I'm gonna get dressed, and I'll need you to at least give me a ride. Can you do that?" Still bent on my knees, I ran my fingers up and down on his arms, playing with the hair on his skin. 

"Can you wait until the game is over?" Ty kept his eyes on the game, occasionally punching the couch whenever someone did something wrong on his eyes. 

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