Chapter 91 - Harry

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The week following what I called ‘the incident’ wasn’t much of a surprise to me at all. Scarlett didn’t call nor did she try to show up and apologize. And, see, I knew I had maybe pushed her a bit too much. And I knew that, due to her past, she might not be ready to take such a huge step. But we’d been together for a while now, and I could not be blamed for wanting her to admit it once and for all that she did love me.

And, honestly, I wasn’t feeling one bit guilty for doing what I had done. Scar had been feeling bad, obviously, but that wasn’t an excuse to avoid everything the way she had. Plus, it was past time I should have grown some balls to stop coping with everything she did, and started standing up a bit for myself. Let’s face it; ever since I fell in love with this stupid (yes, stupid. Because she’s driving me mad) girl, I’ve been giving up on the certainty of the facts to live constantly with the fear of losing her.

I couldn’t take it anymore, though. When I finally thought things were going to be fine, she ran back to take care of Tyler at the first given opportunity. Although I did understand his state was awful; that the accident he’d been through was by far a tragedy, that didn’t mean she needed to be with hi twenty-four seven. The guy was in a freaking coma, for God’s sake.

And she didn’t live with him anymore. As far as I was concerned, what once had been between them was over by now; she had broken up with him and decided to start a life with me, a life of her own, which was just what I wanted her to admit. I only wanted her to live her own life. Was that asking much?

I didn’t bother thinking much about the subject, though. Knowing Scarlett the way I did, I was sort of prepared for the iciness that would come next. I couldn’t even find the strength to feel hurt by her denial, anymore, because I was so used to hearing ‘no’ rather than the other way round, that it felt just usual. Which was probably a bit concerning at this point, but who was I to care?

I had more important things to solve instead of pining over yet another ordinary argument.

Quickly, I grabbed the folder on the piano as I gulped down the rest of the juice I had been trying to drink unsuccessfully for the past twenty minutes or so. (With my mobile stuck between my ear and my shoulder, my left hand struggling to pull my trousers up and my right one trying to find a proper shirt on my messed wardrobe, it was a bit hard to focus on the juice, leaving it next to the folder on the piano instead). Next, I checked the screen for the thousandth time just to make sure my appointment hadn’t been canceled at the last ten minutes I had gone without talking to the guy who wanted to see me at first place (it hadn’t).

Once I confirmed everything was just right, and that I hadn’t forgotten anything important, I grabbed my car keys and shoved my phone into my back pocket, glancing at the clock on the wall one last time: thirty minutes until I was officially late. Which, considering the jammed up traffic at the peak hour, and the distance I’d have to drive until the guy’s office, assured me I wouldn’t be giving the best of the first impressions. F–ck.

I removed the bunch of keys from the lock to be able to lock the door from outside, peeking up from the handle only when I bumped into someone who slightly moved backwards, giving me enough space to get over with the task I was doing.

“Scarlett?” I stared at her confusedly, with her arms behind her back as she swung on her heels and blushed from her lower neck to her cheekbones, smiling coyly at me with a look in her eyes I couldn’t quite decipher. “What are you doing here?”

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