A Long Time Foe

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I just gave up on the story.
I've read all of you guys' comments and I slapped myself. I asked myself, how can I start something sooo many people like and not finish it? It's not right. So here I am.


"NOOOOO! Inuyasha she can not be killed!"



A Long Time Foe

Inuyasha's POV

"What?!" I screamed at Miroku. "What the hell do you mean she can not be killed?!"

"Inuyasha! There's something you need to know but we need to get Kikyo and leave this cave NOW!"

I looked over to where I last saw Kikyo in her fighting stance only to find her unconscience, face down on the cave floor. Her clothes had been ripped from her body. 

"Kikyo." I whispered. She didn't move.

"Kikyo." I called louder with the same results.

"Come on Inuyasha. We have to check on her." Miroku said.

"Stay here." I ordered Miroku. I didn't know what kind of tricks she was playing and what the hell Miroku was talking about earlier but something was not right. There was something off about this situation and I didn't like it one bit.

I slowly walked over to Kikyo's still body. With every step I made towards her a memory rocked through me, and with that a conscience reminder told me of my choice and how this is not my Kikyo.

I got closer and closer and when I finally reached her I automatically went on the defense. My eyes widened and I couldn't comprehend the twist this situation has taken.

Her back.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Her back.

How could this have happened? How was this possible?

On her back was a spider mark. The same mark that is on Naraku's minions. The same mark on his back.

"Isn't this nice." I wasn't surprised to hear his voice.

"Naraku." I said and turned around to face him. "How nice of you to join us."

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