An Overdue Battle & A Sticky Dilemma

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An Overdue Battle & A STicky Dilemma 

*Kikyo's POV*

When Inyasha hit me with his backlash wave there was a flash of a hot blinding white light and I was in pain for only a second before it was over. I felt myself being knocked out of my body and I was nothing but at the same time something. I was then pulled down and I could see everything going on after the backlsh wave hit. Inuyasha was walking towards my body. 

"Kikyo." I heard someone say my name. I turned slowly already aware of the only prson who would be in this world between living and dead. 


"You tried to kill me." It wasn't a question or accusion. Just a statement of fact. I stared at her. She was standing half way across the cave we were in and had a look of determination in her eyes.

"Correction. I'm going to kill you." I said as I began to shift into a defensive state.

"Not this time." She said. Going into a similar stance as mine. "This was a battle I was hoping to never fight but I have no choice. You're wicked Kikyo. Evil and wicked."

I sent her a smirk. She actually belives she can beat me. 

"This battle has been long over due, girl. I will finish you off once and for all with my own hands." 

"Ha! I'd like to see you try!" 

That's when I charged her.

*Inuyasha POV* 

"Naraku. How nice of you to join us."  

He laughed a loud cackle as he moved fast and sent Miroku flying to another end of the cave. 

"Miroku!" I grabbed my tetsusaiga and went into my defensive stance. I couldn't let anything happen to my friend. I can't stand another lose. 

"Ah ah ah, Inuyasha. I wouldn't be so rash if I were you." He said.

"What?!" I said, my anger rising. 

 He snapped his fingers and in came a few simiosho and a floating barrier with an unconsciences sango, shippo, kirara, and a lifelsess Kagaome. I stopped my attack and stared. Kagome. I knew deep in my heart that it's possible to bring her back to me but I also knew that if I let her stay in Naraku's clutches for long that all hope of getting her back would be gone.

"Inuyasha! Naraku has been controlling Kikyo! They've made a plan to get rid of Kagome so you would fall back in love with Kikyo and then could she make you follow her into the after life. It was a set up to get rid of the both of you but Kikyo backed out! She no longer wanted to go through with the plan and that's when Naraku forged a piece of himself into her, hence the spider mark on her back!"  Miroku ranted as he picked himself up of the cave floor.

"How the hell did you find this out?!" I yelled back while focusing on Naraku and Kagome.

"That's not important right now! Right now we need to get out of this cave!"


"As we speak Kikyo and Kagome are in the world between life and death. About to battle. That was Naraku's plan all along. To get them both somewhere you can't reach them. Inuyasha! Only one will come back alive. The other one will die!"

"What's that got to do with this cave?"

"This cave is a demon. It as soon as a priestess dies here it opens up and sucks everything in it in to hell. We will all die Inuyasha. If we get out of this cave and take Kagome and Kikyo to Keade then we can bring them both back to the living world. But they are fighting each other right now and I fear time is running out."

"Inuyasha. You can't escape this. You have stay here and try to go help both of the women you dearly love and die trying. You and you're friends will finally cease to stand in my way and I will finally be rid of that woman Onigumo loved so much. Finally you all will be where you belong. In the underworld." He laughed an evil laugh and my anger spiked.

"Naraku!" I growled as I used my wind scar on him to no effect. When the light let up, he was gone. "No!"

"Inuyasha! The cave is blocked off!"

"Miroku! Wake up the rest! We need get out of here now." I rushed over to Kikyo's body and threw her over one shoulder and winced with the pain from the wound she gave me earlier. I then ran over to Kagome's body and tput hr on my other shouder.

"Inuyasha!" Miroku yelled just as Kagome's body and Kikyo's acted like magnets and repelled the other. They both flew off my shoulders. 

"Damn!" I yelled as I instinctively went towards Kagome's body and Miroku towards Kikyo's. 

"What the hell was that?!" I asked Miroku.

"I don't know but I'm pretty certain that as we speak Kagome and Kikyo are already fighting."

"We need to get out of here fast."

"I know." 

With that we began to race against time to save not only ourselves but Kagome and Kikyo.

Please Kagome and Kikyo. Stay alive for me. Please.


Sorry the chapters are so short. I just want to give you guys something to hold you over until I can write a longer chapter. 

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