A Twist Of Evil

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Yeah you guys I know I've been slacking but I got a job and FLY is taking up most of my time Mon-Fri they have me and when I'm done I sleep like a baby. Lol I know that's a suckish excuse BUT im going to try and upload super quick, I just didn't know exactly how to map out the Epic scene in my head lol

Also I have reached my 100 Vote! Thanks to you awesome peole out there supporting me!


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& I ask with all my heart : )

A Twist of Evil

Inuyasha's POV

"Where the hell are we?" I asked, irritated at the two idiots searching the huge wall ahead of us.

"But it was here! Where did it go?" Sango said, her voice tainted with disbelief.

"The only thing I see here is two morons and a damn wall! I don't have time for this! We need to be saving Kagome!" I told them with venom in my voice.

What the hell are they trying to do? Make sure we don't get Kagome back?

"Inuyasha! I assure you that there was a cave here, but it........ disappeared." Sango said back, her voice sharp.

"Or they're hiding it." Miroku said, making no sense at all. It grew quiet for a minute as Sango stopped searching the wall and stared at it.

"A barrier." I said, breaking the silence and confusion while grabbing Tetsusaiga.

"Of course. It makes sense." Sango said, grabbing her Hiraikotsu and hopping on Kilala.

I unsheathed Tetsusaiga and walked over to the wall. I let the energy of my sword pulse through me, as I picked up the familiar scent of a barrier. "Red Tetsusaiga!" I yelled as I pierced through the invisible energy and the wall turned into a deep, bleak, dark hole.

"That's as easy as it's going to get." I murmured to myself. I entered the cave and immediately the smell of death, darkness, and evil hit my nose. But the scent that had me running at full speed was the blackening scent of Kikyo.

Anger and betrayal coursed through my veins and pierced my heart. How could Kikyo be this evil? The woman I knew and loved would never hurt an innocent human. I believed the reason why she was revived, well sort of, was due to the anger towards me. Is that why? She wants Kagome dead because of me?

"Inuyasha! This way!" Sango said, breaking me out of the ranting in my head. I pushed forward faster. For now I would forget about the why's and focus on the savings.

I ran faster and, soon, took the lead as the Kikyo's dark scent became even stronger. There was a bright light, possibly from a fire, at the end and I knew we were in the right place.

I came to an abrupt stop and Sango and Miroku followed me over to the far side of a wall, shielding us from discovery. I peeked around the wall keeping me out of view and saw that I was right. Kikyo did, some how, take Kagome.

A witch woman was working on Kagome's almost naked body, but she still remained in her undergarments. Kagome's red dress was thrown into a dirty corner that had lots of objects and mixing bowls.

Kieday was right. This lady is a witch, not a good one either, she has the stench of evil all over her. The energy around her basically screamed hell and I wanted to lurch forward and kill her, but I didn't because I need Kagome to live.

Then my eyes landed on the woman who I loved but became soo dark that my heart has now rejected her. Kikyo was pacing back and forth across the tiny cave, a look of irritation twisting her features. I've looked at Kikyo a million times and more but now when I actually LOOK at her, I can tell there's a definite change.

He eyes are more darker than usual, her hair was messy and looked un-kept. Her posture was now an intimidating stance instead of a confident one. Her face, once calm and reassuring, was now twisted and terrifying. She has changed, not only on the outside but the inside too.

"What went wrong?! Why haven't my soul been completely given back to me?" Kikyo barked at the witch. The witch was rubbing a weird herb all over Kagome's body and it made her smell funny.

"This girl is a strong one. She won't give in soo easily. You have failed to mention that she, too, is a priestess." The witch said sounding absent minded.

"This pathetic girl is no priestess! She's just gaining my spiritual powers because she has my soul!" Kikyo spat.

"No. There's something more here. Something much more powerful than you Kikyo. Something pure, untainted." The witch spoke as she continued to work over Kagome's pale body.

"This impotent wretch is NOT stronger than me! There is nothing pure about her at all." Kikyo snarled, her upper-lip curling up in disgust.

"This girl possesses something you cannot Kikyo. Not life, a soul, or power. It's something more pure and strong and for that I cannot kill her, completely. I must revive her before it's too late." The witch spoke out.

"But I thought she was evil?" Sango whispered more to herself than to the rest of us.

"Well lady Kikyo was good but she turned evil. I wouldn't be surprised if it was vice versa." Miroku said watching the scene ahead of us.

I didn't pay them any attention, for my eyes were on Kikyo's expression. Her eyes had a mixture of hate and something else in it. Insanity? Then resolution came to her eyes and her face clouded over with darkness.

What is she thinking?

"I'm sorry. I cannot allow that." Kikyo said, right before she took a demons fang and stabbed the witch in the heart.

The witch gasped and her eyes clouded over as she tried to speak, but nothing came out. Her body stiffened as if paralyzed and then limp as Kikyo threw her to the floor.

"Sorry, I had to poison you also. But I don't need any curses placed on me at the moment." Kikyo said to the now dead witch on the floor. "The only way to fully get my soul and to keep you out of my way is for you to never see daylight nor earth again." She said as she stood over Kagome's body.

Then Kikyo pulled out a jagged knife, quicker than when she attacked the witch, and hovered over Kagome.

"NO!" I yelled as I ran full speed towards Kikyo and knocked her away from Kagome, just before she was about to slit her throat.

*BTW this chapter is up due to the fact that I hate leaving you guys in suspense for so long! I will be writting the rest of this part were ALOT of things happen so be patient with me pease? :) Also, forgive me for sucha late upload pretty please? Do so if you love chocolate, cookies, or chinese food! :)

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